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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Second Chances - Hoping to revive the GAU football program,Spencer and Jordan take a page from the Billy Baker playbookand revisit some former football stars as potential walk-ons..without Coach Kenny's blessing. Olivia, Layla and Patiencelook for an escape from their current life stressors andultimately rediscover themselves in the process. JJ tries tostraddle football and the fraternity, and Coop gets great newsbut it may cost her something precious.
  2. until
    Host Jesse Palmer instructs the bakers to look to the stars andcreate celestial mousse cakes. Then, the bakers pair up in ateam challenge to make romantic croquembouche arbors and floralmacarons that are fit for judges Duff Goldman, Kardea Brownand Nancy Fuller's spring garden party.
  3. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 30x14 - #1558 - Crypto.com Arena in LosAngeles, CA
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    Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 10x6 - TBA
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    Four intrepid food entrepreneurs race to harness emergingtechnologies like the home freezer and microwave, to bringrevolutionary frozen snack icons to a waiting world, andforever change what we eat, when we eat, and how we eat.
  6. until
    Fan-favorite "American Idol" alumni return as contestantmentors to build confidence, stage presence and songwriting asthey prepare for amazing performances on the iconic HollywoodWeek stage.
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    For the first time ever, two Naked and Afraid crew members,medics Janis and Viktor, attempt to survive 21 days in frontof the camera. But faced with swarms of unrelenting insects anda lack of food, this history-making duo is about to get ataste of their own medicine.
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    I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 9x1 - Welcome to theJungle
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    One Piece 10x167 - Strike Back! Law and Kid's CounterattackAlliance
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    Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen 12x4 - Episode 4
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    Married at First Sight 16x13 - I'm Not Acting Crazy With YouTonight
  12. until
    The semi-finals are here, and the Easter Bunny needs a dayoff! Host Sunny Anderson challenges the four remaining bakersto make it the most memorable day off with a gigantic Eastersundae. In order to earn their spot in the finale, the bakerssend judges Stephanie Boswell and Zac Young into a wonderlandof flavor with a whimsical Easter tea party to remember. Onebaker will melt under the pressure, while the final three willmove on to battle it out for the bunny money in the grandfinale.
  13. until
    Teen Titans Go! 8x9 - Easter Annihilation
  14. until
    With help from superstar judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry andLionel Richie, viewers embark on a nationwide search acrossNew Orleans, Las Vegas and Nashville to find the next singingsensation. Emmy(R) Award-winning host and producer RyanSeacrest hosts.
  15. until
    Kin 2x2 - Episode 2
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    One Piece 10x166 - A Shadowy Figure Pulls the Strings!Onigashima in Flames
  17. until
    Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen 12x3 - Episode 3
  18. until
    Tooning Out the News 3x18 - March 22, 2023 - Adam Pally
  19. until
    Spring is in the air and wedding bells are ringing as hostSunny Anderson challenges the remaining five bakers to tacklesome of the biggest wedding trends. In round one, the bakerscreate monochromatic plated desserts for the big event. Then inround two, the bakers make over-the-top Easter wedding cakesthat taste as good as they look for Judges Zac Young andStephanie Boswell. One baker will be left at the altar, whilethe remaining four move into the semi-finals.
  20. until
    The Easter Bunny is off on a new adventure -- traveling throughtime to Easters past and future! Host Sunny Anderson asks thebakers to travel to Easter future, where savory dinner disheshave become sweet. In round two, it's an Easter first as thebakers pair up in order to make time machines for Bunny. Sinceno trip is complete without some treats, each baker must makea tasty dessert for Sunny and judges Stephanie Boswell and ZacYoung to enjoy. One baker will be sent home, as the remainingfive will continue on in their journey to win the grand prize.
  21. until
    Determined to get Colin the justice he deserves, Laura putsherself in danger to uncover the truth. An influencer's stalkerfollows her to Barcelona, with horrifying consequences.
  22. until
    Kevin and Jordan lay low at Andre's house and get to know hismom/roommate; Jordan prompts Kevin to own up to his pastmistakes, and sparks a memory that includes the biggest cluethey have yet to discover.
  23. until
    When a visit with her family drudges up old demons, Costellofinds the courage to say goodbye to Selby. Allegra arrives tohelp Selby clean up his act. Gloria receives surprising news.
  24. until
    Ben's final leap of the season takes him closer to home than heever expected. The team faces the ultimate showdown with LeaperX as they battle for the future of the Quantum Leap project andtheir lives.
  25. until
    As the Gallardos' trial nears, Perry attempts to negotiatewith the DA. Rafael and Mateo recount the real-lifeconsequences of the McCutcheons' Los Angeles expansion. Later,the pursuit of a lead lands Paul in danger, and Perry makes aconvincing demonstration in court.
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