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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    This time, Philip's sure he has the perfect Plan B to make hisdreams come true.
  2. until
    Hollywood Week continues as contestants form dynamic duos andhit the Hollywood stage for the Duets Challenge. PlatinumTicket winners handpick their duet partners and rejoin thecompetition in hopes of making it through to the next round.
  3. until
    Murdoch's investigation of a constable's murder is hampered byinterference from Brackenreid's zealous overreplacement.
  4. until
    Guy welcomes the eight remaining battle-tested chefs to contendwith the dreaded randomizer and take on each other in suddendeath battles. By the night's end, four chefs will be leftstanding and need to get ready for battle in the finale.
  5. until
    A portable product for those who enjoy camping without thedangers of creating a wildfire; a smoothie-making machine; anoral health product; a portable cooler accessory; an updateon fashion business No Limbits; guest shark Daniel Lubetzky.
  6. until
    Interviews with Ice-T &amp: Christian Siriano .. Plus, LalaKent joins us live in studio!
  7. until
    Rob and Karen's big night out takes a shocking turn, andScarlett's evening ends in disaster. Jimmi's advice falls ondeaf ears.
  8. until
    Interviews with Maroon 5 &amp: Sheila E … Plus, Heather& Tarek El Moussa join us live in studio!
  9. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo fight on the freeway with ROAD RAGE WEAPONS, drink andgame at THE BARCADE, and dress sleazy with DIRTY TEE DUDES.
  10. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo are furious about the CONSTRUCTION NEXTDOOR, find somenew scratches in PARKING LOT PROBLEMS, and get on the road forsome JOY RIDES.
  11. until
    Daniel gets a worrying phone call, while Rob and Karen havesomething to celebrate. Rob has to deal with warringneighbours, and Karen's quest for the perfect wallpaper getsher in trouble.
  12. until
    Luca and Suni try to iron things out. Ollie tries to help hisdad, but Rich has an unwanted request. Emma has to placate anirate mother when she finds out her daughter wants to have ababy.
  13. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo get a case of HAPPY FEET, pull around to the window forDRIVE-THRU JOY, and get away for some privacy in MY OWN THING.
  14. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo discover that shopping can be fun in MARKET MAYHEM,meet some handy MULTIPURPOSE FRIENDS, and get to cooking withDINNER TIME DADS.
  15. until
    Karen discovers the wonders of talking texts, and Rich usesOllie to spend time with Kirsty. Bear is roped into wearing aninteresting costume to raise money for charity, but has togive chase in it when a thief makes off with the donation box.
  16. until
    Dylan fights to bring an abuser to justice, Jacob finallyfaces his guilt, and is there more to Faith's dishonestpatient than meets the eye?
  17. until
    Charlotte desperately wants to tell Colbourne the truth abouther feelings, but a shocking revelation stops her in hertracks. Having opened her heart, Georgiana's worst fears arerealized when she discovers she has been abandoned.
  18. until
    Charlotte and Colbourne rush to Augusta's aid and it's revealedwhether Edward really is a changed man or not.
  19. until
    Charlotte attempts to distance herself from Colbourne but asthey are repeatedly thrown into each other's orbit, theirchemistry rises. Meanwhile Georgiana is unravelling and makes asurprising decision to protect herself.
  20. until
    Georgiana gets a surprise visit. Colbourne's shooting partygoes ahead and Charlotte has to confront all that she's lost.
  21. until
    Judy Justice 2x86 - Episode 86
  22. until
    The Yellowjackets barely made it through summer in the woods,but as winter arrives, their hunger and desperation turn intofull-on psychosis; twenty-five years later, the survivors askwhether the darkness comes for them or if it comes from them.
  23. until
    Birdie reaches out to an old flame to help the family steal apainting; meanwhile, Emma grapples with Charlie's admissionand must deal with conflicts of interest at work at the CIA.
  24. until
    When Dr. Laken Perillos resurfaces to join Wujing's crusadeagainst Red, a member of the task force is put in danger.
  25. until
    A US flagship wreck reveals the British burning of the WhiteHouse in 1814.
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