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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    This is a true crime story.
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    Dre tries to get her phone fixed.
  3. until
    Dre befriends some white girls.
  4. until
    Dre takes a road trip.
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    Dre starts a new job in Tennessee.
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    Inflation is hard on everybody. So why is the Fed making iteven harder by helping push people out of work?
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    Tribes must weave their way through the reward challenge toearn power in the game. Also, one person from each tribe ischosen to go on a journey, but there's a catch.
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    Jethro comes back to make amends with Sabrina: Kenneth testshis basketball skills; Rosanna's older brother learns abouther sleeping arrangements; facing being shunned, Fannie fleesto Florida only to be dropped in the middle of more drama.
  9. until
    Questions about Danielle's brother are left unanswered: Teresaand Joe reveal their unique sides of a family secret; Jackietests Teresa's boundaries, as Rachel calls Danielle out forspreading rumors.
  10. until
    Coming off the news of her divorce, Katherine wants toinstitute big changes in the office, which prompts Cyrus tointroduce her to his dream car. However, things go south whenKatherine attempts to transform his design into a vision of herown. -
  11. until
    In a rescue first, the Raneys arrive at a Washington statehomestead and find the couple's cabin recently collapsed; withwinter weeks away, on land with a dangerous predator funnel,the race is on to solve the shelter, food and predatorthreats.
  12. until
    A life-altering incident inspires a small-town guy to pursuehis dream of becoming an officer with the Los Angeles PoliceDepartment.
  13. until
    Stephen Mangan, Isy Suttie, Jordan Gray and Seann Walsh joinAlan Davies to discuss everything from time keeping, bathroomhabits, mistaken identity, and Jesus Christ.
  14. until
    In a fictional scenario set in 2029, an asteroid hurtlingtowards Earth at 40,000 mph will reduce New York to ashes;examining the hypothetical, experts weigh in to determine whatcould happen and how it might be stopped.
  15. until
    Unhappy with their places on the leaderboard, both Pinwheeland No Limits decide to completely change up their strategies,and fish in Chatham.
  16. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
  17. until
    Greg Davies sets tasks to Frankie Boyle, Ivo Graham, JennyEclair, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Mae Martin compete, theintrepid players hoping to become the 15th Taskmaster champion.In this episode, Jenny dances around a giant golden pineapplein a wedding dress, while Frankie discovers why cats loveballs of string so much. Greg's `Admiral of Admin" Alex Hornehelps maintain order amid the chaos.
  18. until
    Tyler Perry's Zatima 2x6 - Too Close For Comfort
  19. until
    Tyler Perry's Zatima 2x5 - Not What You Think
  20. until
    Crippled, cornered, and out of options, Picard stages agambit to trap Vadic and reveal her true motive – a gamblethat puts the Titan in the crosshairs and forces Picard andBeverly to question every moral code they've ever held.
  21. until
    Bel-Air 2x6 - Let the Best Man Win
  22. until
    Frank and Victoria stakeout a squawking peacock. Emily andPatel attend to Shred.
  23. until
    Amongst the sparkly lights of Split River's Homecoming Dance,Operation Find Maddie's Killer goes into overdrive leading tosurprising revelations.
  24. until
    Into the Wild Frontier 2x7 - Jim Clyman: Frontier Survivor
  25. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x11 - Episode 11
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