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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Omega Sector team must track down a dangerous hacker withmissile codes that could cause war to break out in the middleeast if they fall into the wrong hands. When the hacker turnsout to be a moody teenager, Harry and Helen attempt to usetheir parenting techniques from home to get him to cooperate,which proves to be more challenging than handling themiscreants they usually deal with.
  2. until
    As the team investigates a convenience store robbery, theevidence leads them to an unusual pair of suspects, revealinga dark personal drama and another potential victim. Burgessslowly makes strides tackling her past trauma.
  3. until
    Secrets are revealed when Katherine meets Greta's parents.Maggie returns to unexpected changes at her workplace. Rome andOmar reluctantly come together to make an important decision.
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    After an unpopular decision, discord gives way to deadlymutiny in which loyalties are tested.
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    Teddy and Franklin close in on each other: Gustavo runs out oftime.
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    Big Brother Canada 11x10 - Episode 10
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    Mouch builds a classic firetruck model for the Deputy DistrictChief but needs assistance from Gallo and Ritter. Brett andViolet encounter multiple victims with a strange set ofsymptoms. Cindy's chemotherapy results loom over the Herrmannfamily.
  8. until
    In tonight's word game, Midwestern friends take on sister andbrother in a tight game of LINGO, and twin brothers usetelepathy to try and outwit the connection of a mother anddaughter team, ending in a memorable Final Showdown.
  9. until
    After coming together to stop Bailey's comet, the gang findthemselves transported back to a simpler time - Riverdale 1955.While Archie attempts to impress the new girl Veronica, aHollywood starlet, who has just arrived at Riverdale High,Cheryl sees her as a threat and formulates a plan to take herdown. Meanwhile, Toni, Tabitha and Betty take a stand againstPrincipal Featherhead after he stonewalls their attempts towrite about the murder of Emmet Till. Finally, Jugheadattempts to convince the gang that they're from the future.
  10. until
    Guy Fieri invites three families to show off their home cookingand shopping skills in Flavortown Market; they'll cook afamily favorite using items on the F is for Family grocerylist.
  11. until
    Vanderpump Rules 10x8 - By Invitation Only
  12. until
    Camille's big TV audition reveals a rift with Sam. Andrew has atough choice to make about which career path to follow.
  13. until
    Digger enlists a combat veteran to run his supernatural ryeapple recipe, then pulls his own disappearing act; Richardand Craig struggle to keep their mash warm in cold weather;Jerry engineers some backwoods tech to keep making shine intowinter.
  14. until
    A documentary crew visits Med to film Crockett and Abrams'groundbreaking surgery. Archer refuses to ask for help for hiskidney issues despite the staff's unrelenting kindness. Willstarts to develop feelings for a co-worker.
  15. until
    Iris is visited by Nia Nal, as she needs Iris' help. When Irisand Nia fall into a fever dream and explore differentpossibilities for their lives, Barry, Chester, Allegra andCecile desperately try to help them. Meanwhile, Markentertains Khione but they have different ideas of what isfun, leaving Khione to feel that Mark is trying to make hersomething she is not.
  16. until
    Facing a potential setback at work, Miguel has to dig deep tosave his job, as Lindsay struggles to find the right ending toher book.
  17. until
    Ghostface reflects on the sacrifices of his past while dealingwith the bittersweet outcome of his artistic success.Meanwhile, RZA ventures to take a different approach for theClan's next album.
  18. until
    Coming Soon...
  19. until
    Now in hiding, Peter and Rose grow closer and investigate apotential bombing suspect. At the White House, theconspirators obtain a disturbing tape.
  20. until
    The Omega Sector team must track down a dangerous hacker withmissile codes that could cause war to break out in the middleeast if they fall into the wrong hands. When the hacker turnsout to be a moody teenager, Harry and Helen attempt to usetheir parenting techniques from home to get him to cooperate,which proves to be more challenging than handling themiscreants they usually deal with.
  21. until
    With Nell's help, Cricket decides to finally spread Monty'sashes. Sam and Lexi support Dennis as he chooses an egg donor.
  22. until
    Camille's big TV audition reveals a rift with Sam. Andrew has atough choice to make about which career path to follow.
  23. until
    Tribes must weave their way through the reward challenge toearn power in the game. Also, one person from each tribe ischosen to go on a journey, but there's a catch.
  24. until
    Coming Soon...
  25. until
    After coming together to stop Bailey's comet, the gang findthemselves transported back to a simpler time - Riverdale 1955.While Archie attempts to impress the new girl Veronica, aHollywood starlet, who has just arrived at Riverdale High,Cheryl sees her as a threat and formulates a plan to take herdown. Meanwhile, Toni, Tabitha and Betty take a stand againstPrincipal Featherhead after he stonewalls their attempts towrite about the murder of Emmet Till. Finally, Jugheadattempts to convince the gang that they're from the future.
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