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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The gang ends up at Katherine's house for what seems like aninnocent night of drinking and employee bonding, but thingsescalate when everyone learns that Katherine and Richard are inthe middle of a divorce.
  2. until
    Son of a Critch 2x13 - Halley's Comet
  3. until
    After splitting from her husband of 20 years, Angelareinvented herself and is excited by her new TikTok loveinterest Justin; he's been dodgy about meeting, but she'sready for something real.
  4. until
    WWE NXT 17x13 - Episode 13
  5. until
    Lois and Chrissy pursue a new lead in the Mannheiminvestigation against Clark's wishes. Meanwhile, Jonathan,Jordan, and Nat's attempt at a kind gesture is complicated byan unexpected obstacle. Lastly, Lana, Sarah, and Kyle adjustto their own new normal.
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    Tommy goes paramedic crew-to-crew against her former employer,private contractors Paragon Medics as they deal withemergencies involving a dialysis patient and at a perfumefactory. Meanwhile, Owen hits it off with a beautiful woman hemeets at a fundraiser.
  7. until
    Rex seeks help from Detective Sidney Scott to save his strandedand injured friends.
  8. until
    Laura and Mariona both wonder who they can trust. The teamhandle a police violence case.
  9. until
    Plan B 1x4 - Episode 4
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    An ancient mechanical device found on a 2,000-year-oldshipwreck has become known as the world's first computer. Themachine is centuries more advanced than historians thoughtpossible, but its origin and true purpose are shrouded insecrecy. Can modern technology finally unveil what themysterious Antikythera Mechanism actually is?
  11. until
    The Battle Rounds begin as the coaches prepare their artists togo head-to-head in hopes of advancing to the Knockouts oradvancing straight to playoffs with the coveted, brand-newPlayoff Pass. Each coach has one steal and one Playoff Pass.
  12. until
    Zach introduces Gabi and Kaity to his family: a live studioaudience watches as Jesse Palmer sits down with Zach and histhree final women to watch the emotional conclusion of hisjourney.
  13. until
    Shanika and James begin their 21-day solo challenge: ravagedby insects, Terra considers hiking back for the fire starter.
  14. until
    Archaeologists uncover the truth behind the legend of atreasure ship.
  15. until
    Following a tragic event, a renowned rodeo family tries topick up the pieces to save their Colorado ranch.
  16. until
    Essex County 1x2 - Episode 2
  17. until
    People Puzzler 3x130 - A Tutu For You
  18. until
    Emily and Victoria assist Dr. Summers with an alpaca birth.Frank and Patel visit Frank's dad Jimmy.
  19. until
    This will be the challenge that takes the competition to thenext level. Chefs are alarmed when they learn the ins and outsof what it takes to make a next level fish dish. And, for thefirst time ever, when the platform comes down, it will not bestopping. Who will sink and who will swim?
  20. until
    In Quebec City, solo players rappel Le Château Frontenac,duos breach La Citadelle, and teams carry water up 487 stairsat Montmorency Falls. A coach's advantage is on the line; a3rd team goes home.
  21. until
    Tom Allen meets Lord Sugar's new business partner to discussthe most memorable moments of the past 12 weeks. They arejoined by former candidates and special guests.
  22. until
    People Puzzler 3x129 - Keys to the City
  23. until
    Grab the cowboy boots and cowboy hats because The Masked Singerhas gone country! Three celebrities will perform their favoritecountry songs, two will be unmasked, but only one singer willadvance straight to the quarterfinals with California Roll.
  24. until
    People Puzzler 3x128 - 30 Looks Good On You
  25. until
    The Weekly with Charlie Pickering 9x7 - Episode 7
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