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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Guest host Marlon Wayans tackles the news of the day.
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    The second night of Blind Auditions.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Jimmy welcomes actress Maude Apatow plus an interview with andmusical performance by Chance the Rapper.
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    Stephen welcomes comic Nick Kroll, Rep. Jim Himes, andfilmmakers Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert.
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    Guest host Marlon Wayans tackles the news of the day.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Ina Garten welcomes stage and screen actor Laura Linney to herhome with a fruity blueberry ricotta breakfast cake; in honorof Laura's Southern heritage, Ina teaches her how to makeshrimp boil with a twist.
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    Molly Yeh is determined to create the ultimate brunch menu forthe new restaurant. Working with flavors Whitey would haveloved, Molly fixes a full breakfast plate of Eggs Bernadette,Bernie's House Breakfast Sausage and a Gigantic FrostedCardamom Roll. Brunch isn't complete without cocktails, soMolly pours her refreshing Rhubarb Basil Shrub.
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    Mayor of Kingstown 2x10 - Little Green Ant
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    One Piece 10x165 - Death to Your Partner! Killer's DeadlyGamble!
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    Amanda's back at Kleinfeld to find a second dress after herfiancé tells her he hates her first pick; the pressure is onfor Randy to find the perfect compromise; Courtney fightsindecision; Kindra and Jamel forget a key element of theirwedding.
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    Kelly and Steve investigate the brutal homicide of a belovedseminary student brutally hung and stabbed to death in thechapel restroom. Their investigation reveals even more darksecrets and sinister deeds.
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    Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazingmagic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artistsand performers displaying skills ranging from perplexinginteractive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all infront of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episodeinclude Lucy Darling, Xavier Mortimer, Alexandra Duvivier,David Gabbay, Jonathan Levitt, Adam Wylie and My Uyên.
  15. until
    Ancient Aliens 19x10 - The Giants of Malta
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    Darby and Victoria are hired by a former schoolmate of Darby'sto investigate acts of vandalism at his winery.
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    Pitches include a twist on the traditional ice cream cone, agadget to help control a cellphone safely while on the move,an app for travel enthusiasts and innovative winter equipment;update on Bee Sweet Lemonade.
  18. until
    Inflation is hard on everybody. So why is the Fed making iteven harder by helping push people out of work?
  19. until
    Vinny dances: Mike makes some questionable fashion choices:the upcoming family vacation to New Orleans is about to betaken over by beef between Angelina and Mike.
  20. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x5 - Episode 5
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    Danni's actions have left her in a vulnerable position, whileKaren quickly realizes that Aaron is hiding something, and shepays the ultimate price.
  22. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo get baby betrayed in TOO YOUNG TO TRUST, face theirfear of SCARECASES, and ask bad behaving people WHY'D YOU DOTHAT?
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    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo cook up the combat in WEA-PANS, feed some critters withcravings in DRIVE THRU ANIMALS, and meet the stupidest ofdudes: STUDES.
  24. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x4 - Episode 4
  25. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x3 - Episode 3
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