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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen 12x1 - Episode 1
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    The Coterie will be changed forever after Mariana, Evan, andJoaquin attempt to escape Silas's farm. Davia and Dennis revelin the honeymoon phase of their new relationship. Sumi helpsAlice find a new gig.
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    Catherine returns to Grey Sloan for a surgical case that makesLucas and Blue queasy. Amelia treats a possible cancer patientwith a family that's a little too supportive. Owen takes hismedical future into his own hands, much to Teddy's surprise.
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    A simulation fire training goes dangerously wrong. Maya triesto make amends, and Bailey encourages Carina to listen.Meanwhile, Jack's sister shows up at the station with afriend, an injury and an attitude.
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    iMPACT Wrestling 20x11 - Episode 11
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    In Middletown, N.Y., an unforgivable mistake has driven awedge between Franco Di Roma's married owners. Franco refusesto change, Karen refuses to show up, their son refuses towork with them and the restaurant is on the brink of collapse.Robert must help them bridge the divide and forgive each otheror their restaurant and family might not survive.
  7. until
    When Spring comes, everything is at stake for backwoodsshiners. Outlaw champions Amanda, Richard and Tater compete tomake the top spirit with this Spring's best ingredients asjudged by Mark, Digger and guest judge Mike.
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    Josh returns from Brazil only to discover an emboldened firemarshal with pressing questions. Amanda convinces Mark and Huckto make rye whiskey without using sugar. Digger and Beaz raceto make a ,000 whiskey run for Nashville royalty.
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    Batman is dead, and a powder keg has ignited Gotham Citywithout the Dark Knight to protect it. In the wake of BruceWayne's murder, his adopted son Turner Haye is framed forkilling the Caped Crusader, along with the children of some ofBatman's enemies: Duela Doe, aka The Joker's Daughter, anunpredictable fighter and skilled thief who was born in ArkhamAsylum and abandoned by her father, Harper Row, a streetwiseand acerbic engineer who can fix anything, and her brotherCullen Row, a clever transgender teen who is tired of beingpolite and agreeable. With the charismatic and hard-chargingDistrict Attorney Harvey Dent and the GCPD hot on their trail,Turner will rely on allies including his best friend andformidable coder Stephanie Brown, and unlikely Batman sidekickCarrie Kelley. But our Knights will soon learn there is alarger, more nefarious force at work within Gotham City. Thisteam of mismatched fugitives must band together to become itsnext generation of saviors known as the "Gotham Knights."
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    This week features a one-on-one interview with singer,songwriter, and musician, who co-wrote and recorded theOscar-nominated song "This Is A Life" for the film "EverythingEverywhere All At Once,"David Byrne. This week's paneldiscussion includes New York Times newsletter author andcontributor to "The Glenn Show" podcast, John McWhorter; andjournalist, executive producer, and Chief Operating Officerfor Eden Productions and Kunhardt Films, Josh Tyrangiel.
  11. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x47 - Ike Barinholtz, Padma Lakshmi
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    Love Island 9x46 - Episode 46
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    Hot Ones 20x7 - Episode 7
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    Watch What Happens Live 20x46 - Lisa Vanderpump
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    All-star chefs bring their A-game to compete in Guy Fieri'sultimate ABC battle. In the first round, the chefs have tomake their favorite comfort dish out of ingredients that startwith their favorite letter of the alphabet. Then in round two,the chefs do a letter draft to determine the starting letterfor the ingredients in their seafood classic. The winning cheffinds out that "V" is for "Victory" as they shop FlavortownMarket for up to ,000!
  16. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x45 - Jerry O'Connell, MargaretJosephs
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    Watch What Happens Live 20x44 - Sam Claflin, Jimmy Fallon
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    Tamron is joined by guests who have restarted their lives inremarkable ways. This inspiring episode begins withCORY MOSES surviving a life-threatening bike accident, howhe overcame the odds and is now training with Olympic fencerCURTIS MCDOWALD who joins the conversation. Then, a coupleshares, after a tragic loss of a husband and friend, how theyfound love with each other. And a busy mom of three on whattriggered her weight loss journey and a whole new career!
  19. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x43 - Larsa Pippen, Karen Huger
  20. until
    Humphrey and the team face one of their strangest cases yetwhen a dead man is found in the centre of a crop circle. No-oneknows who he is or how he got there. Conspiracy theoristssuggest aliens are to blame, which seems possible when footageemerges of mysterious lights hovering above the field, butpragmatist Esther is sure that the answer lies closer to home.Brother and sister Andrew and Cassie Parker own North Farm,where the body was found. Do they know more than they'reletting on? When the investigation leads the team to the siteof an illegal rave, they're reunited with a familiar face whojust might be the key to cracking the case wideopen.Meanwhile, Martha faces her own professional challenge asher café is visited by a food critic. With Archie's help, sherises to the occasion, but in doing so, misses an importantIVF appointment with Humphrey. Given pause for thought, shestarts to question what she really wants. Archie, however,misreads Martha's uncertainty for something else, which hasunforeseen consequences.
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    The Beck group receives a seemingly routine murder case thattakes an unexpected turn when Säpo takes an interest in theinvestigation.
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    The epic finale of "Carnival Row."
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    A discovery rattles Edward. Adriana prepares to say goodbye toKojo. Amanda and Steve get closer.
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    Rio de Janeiro, 2004. Dom becomes one of the most wantedcriminals in the city. The police are on his tail and his faceis everywhere on tabloid TV. His gang now has a new member androbberies get more dangerous. In 1978, Victor and Marisa meetand fall in love.
  25. until
    Justice later through peace, or now through blood?
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