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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Straight off a 17-year stint in federal prison, EdwinAlexander crashes back into the lives of his daughter Paige,and her teenage son, Finn – just as Paige is attempting toachieve her lifelong dream of buying her own home.
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    Stan is reeling when a cheating scandal hits the school.
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    With her weight spiraling, Stephanie needs her mom's help tocare for her three kids; she's at the point where she'll haveto lose weight or risk not having the chance to see her kidsgrow up.
  4. until
    Bon Voyage to the Cal U Titans! Old friends and new reunite ona yacht to celebrate Andre's graduation, but will Andre'sparty be ruined by his real-world responsibilities? Aaronconfronts Zoey about their future.
  5. until
    In honor of the Gammas' annual Last Chance Dance, Juniordebates telling Annika how he feels about her, even thoughhe's friends with her boyfriend. Zoey has a setback atAnti-Muse, sending her into a panic about her future.
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    With the impending arrival of their baby, Maggie wraps thingsup at work while the guys help Gary set up the nursery.Regina's efforts to help Dustin cause a rift with Rome.Katherine plans a surprise for Greta's birthday.
  7. until
    Despite a career that rivals any of the greatest mountain menof the frontier era, Joe Walker remains relativelyunknown. Born of humble beginnings in Tennessee, youngWalker's thirst for adventure leads him to join his cousin SamHouston in the violent Creek War of 1813, but the horror hewitnesses on the battlefield leaves him with a lifelongabhorrence of bloodshed. After the war, Walker's wanderlusttakes him to distant New Mexico, where he helps pioneer whatbecomes the famous Santa Fe Trail. When he is hired by themysterious Benjamin Bonneville to guide a trapping expeditioninto the Rocky Mountains, Walker leads the first wagon trainto ever cross the Continental Divide. His greatest explorationis a grueling trek across the Great Basin Desert seeking anoverland route to California, which leads to a frighteningconfrontation with the Paiute tribe and a battle he'll doanything to avoid.
  8. until
    Abbott Elementary 3x19 - Festival
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    Abbott Elementary rallies together to fight the threat fromLegendary Charter Schools. Ava pitches a festival to drawparents to school and collect their signatures for a petition.However, Draemond shows up with the intention of derailing theevent.
  10. until
    There's more word game fun when a pair of Idaho sisters showoff their word skills against girlfriends from Maryland, thenit's a family showdown when rhyming-name sisters take on aMidwestern father and son.
  11. until
    The Philadelphia Flyers have made it to the Stanley CupFinals, and Barry, nervous about a win, implements somesuperstitious protocols that the family must follow.Meanwhile, per Geoff's request, Lou and Linda spend somequality time with Muriel.
  12. until
    Married at First Sight 16x11 - Moonshine and Monthiversaries
  13. until
    Dan and Jackie take a road trip to a hardware wholesaler inOklahoma; Darlene heads out of town and leaves behind aplethora of to-do notes for Becky and Ben.
  14. until
    As Barry and Iris prepare for their new life, luck changes forthose in Central City. Cecile takes on a case with Allegra'shelp, involving a string of unfortunate – and highlyunexpected – events. Meanwhile, Chester and the team workwith Khione to figure out her abilities.
  15. until
    Mohammed connected online with Ashley over business andspirituality. He's developed strong feelings, but she keepsavoiding meeting up. Mohammed calls in the Catfish crew, andas soon as he shows them her photo, Nev and Kamie haveupsetting news!
  16. until
    In 1930, a New York Supreme Court justice with close ties toTammany Hall, and future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt,steps out of a steakhouse and disappears. For decades, thepolitically charged case dominates mainstream media and remainsunsolved nearly 100 years later. But could a deathbedconfession finally tell us what really happened to thenotorious Judge Joseph Crater.
  17. until
    Aussie Gold Hunters 8x10 - Episode 10
  18. until
    Drain the Oceans 5x9 - Battle Secrets
  19. until
    How the Universe Works 10x8 - A Robot's Guide to Mars
  20. until
    Lost wrecks reveal how the Mob gained power and wealth in 1920sAmerica.
  21. until
    Louise brings Tina along on a mission to find the perfect itemfor her last-ever Show and Tell. Meanwhile, Teddy goesoverboard trying to impress a date at the restaurant.
  22. until
    The remaining potters create a pyramid vase centrepiece and adaring sgraffito globe. Who'll be on top of the world whenthey're crowned the series winner?
  23. until
    Love Island 9x45 - Episode 45
  24. until
    Fallout from the Retreat dominates the Dinner Party back atMAFS HQ.
  25. until
    The Retreat continues with unresolved grievances surfacing atthe Boys and Girls' Nights.
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