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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Eugene journeys into the jungle, where he sleeps among thetrees, comes face-to-face with deadly wildlife, and conquersa major fear.
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    The Cold Justice team tackles the twisted murder case of RhondaRichardson, who went searching for her lost dog and was laterfound seemingly scalped by a sadistic killer. The biggest twistis a new piece of evidence that breaks the case wide open.
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    Turning the greatest setback of your career into your greatestopportunity is the mark of a true winner.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Gabriel tracks down Myriam, but he's not the only one on theSyrians' trail. Alison heads to Brussels to secure an EU cyberagreement.
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    Edward starts acting out. Adriana seeks advice from Eric. Samgets candid with Vernon. Dee Dee struggles with change.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As the Aurora tour begins, the band - now reunited with DaisyJones - must come to terms with their meteoric rise tosuperstardom. With tension between Billy and Daisy at anall-time high, Billy's frustration simmers to a boil whileDaisy's self-destructive habits turn tragic. Meanwhile Karenand Graham's secret is revealed.
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    Coming Soon...
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    When a massive and unpredictable wildfire breaks out inneighboring Drake Country, the station 42 and third rock crewsare called to help aid in the rescue efforts.
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    Noah tries to find a new normal with Simone. Anthony realizeshe doesn't have a poker face. Sherm starts a risky newbusiness, and there's wine.
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    George believes all of Mayan's problems can be solved by takinga second job, while Mayan thinks her parents work too hard.Oscar and Momo compete for the title of George's best friend.
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    In Coleman, Mich., Robert Irvine finds a failing restaurantthat's destroying a loving marriage. Insecure andhypersensitive, owner Leah won't listen to her husband andco-owner Chris' advice, forcing him to step away. Now, withthe business spiraling even deeper into debt, Robert must helpLeah find her confidence and allow Chris to be a full partneragain if they're going to have any chance to save the businessand their marriage.
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    After uncovering Xiao's master plan, Nicky and the team findthemselves in a race against the clock to stop her before it'stoo late.
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    It's Teacher Appreciation Day. When the district gives Abbotttwo courtside tickets to a 76ers game, the teachers mustdecide who deserves them. Later, Janine invites the teachersto her house for game night and her sister, Ayesha, comes tovisit.
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    At Detroit's abandoned Packard plant, Mike gets a tour of anAmerican landmark before it disappears. And in Buffalo, RetroRon's collection features the Holy Grail of vintage bikes.
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    Honest Trailers 255x11 - Episode 11
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    Katie plans a divorce party trip to Las Vegas and Lake Havasu,but conveniently leaves Scheana off the guest list; Lala andRaquel find themselves flirting with the same guy; Arianareceives devastating news from home.
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    Payne sponsors its annual Young Designers contest at a localelementary school, which sparks controversy when Katherineinadvertently offends multiple countries via an Instagram Liveinterview with a Somali-American student.
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    Ridiculousness 30x28 - Chanel and Sterling DCLIV
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    Ridiculousness 30x27 - Chanel and Sterling DCLII
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    Ridiculousness 30x26 - Chanel and Sterling DCLI
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    Ridiculousness 30x25 - Chanel and Sterling DCLIII
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    Teen Titans Go! 7x54 - Stickier Situation, A
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    Batwheels 2x20 - Rockin' Robin
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