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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coaches Chance the Rapper, Kelly Clarkson, Niall Horan andBlake Shelton all vie to discover and coach the next singingphenomenon on the second night of BlindAuditions.
  2. until
    When an acerbic female stand-up comic is assaulted by a fellowcomic, she uses her platform to try the case in the court ofpublic opinion.
  3. until
    The gang's surprise for Val is derailed when she runs into herex. In the chaos, Sloane sees a new side of Paul, Anne putsAlice in the hot seat, and Kate goes above and beyond for herclient.
  4. until
    Following a terrible accident, Sharon finds herself in thehands of the law; after Nancy's delirium, Richard finds herin a horrible situation.
  5. until
    Son of a Critch 2x10 - Old Friends, New Friends
  6. until
    WWE NXT 17x10 - NXT Roadblock
  7. until
    When a famous starlet is killed onstage during a previewperformance of a beloved Newfoundland play, Rex takes on astarring role while Charlie goes behind the scenes.
  8. until
    Capt. Strand and the 126 help a husband whose wife "dies" whenshe is not upside down. Grace takes a call from a pizzadelivery driver who is in for the shock of his life. Tommy isworried Trevor's young daughter is a bad seed as she attemptsto break them up. Paul is hesitant to go on a date with Asha,who knows him prior to his transition.
  9. until
    John receives a message from a mysterious stranger. Meanwhile,Carlos, Latika and Ada work together to find answers, buttime is running out. Lastly, Mary and John have a warm butawkward reunion. There is a lot to unpack, but they realizethis isn't the time or place.
  10. until
    Bus-dwelling Virginia homesteaders struggle for a foothold:after learning the couple sent their son to live with hisgrandmother until the homestead can thrive, the Raneysundertake one of the biggest rescues ever to reunite thefamily.
  11. until
    Henry Louis Gates, Jr. uncovers the lost roots of actors BillyCrudup and Tamera Mowry-Housley, traveling back generations torecount significant events in history—from the AmericanRevolution to the journey of the Mayflower—in a deeplypersonal way.
  12. until
    Eric and Senior work to coax a semi back on the road.
  13. until
    It's a bathroom-themed semi-final as the potters make Turkishbath-style sinks and tiles and attempt Moorcroft tube lining.Who will be feeling calm, and will there be water works?
  14. until
    Larry Levenson was the King of Swing: Larry ran NYC's popularswingers club, Plato's Retreat, in the '70s until drugs,AIDS and federal charges upended it all.
  15. until
    After the guys night blowout, the divide between Teresa, Joeand Melissa is at a standstill; Frankie hits Dolores with hardquestions about their shifting family dynamic; Rachel and JenFessler spill the tea on Jennifer Aydin.
  16. until
    Inside the scandal that outed George Michael in the late '90s:as acceptance grows, more people come out and Buck Angeldebuts as one of the most famous transgender porn stars.
  17. until
    Sydney couple Anna and Celeste are hoping to transform arundown Victorian terrace into a modern celebration of colourand character, with not a white wall in sight.
  18. until
    Fresh off their newly-acquired fame and success, Daisy Jones& The Six gear up to record their first album together.However, when Billy and Daisy prove unwilling to collaborateon each other's material, they have no choice but to try andwrite something from the ground up together. This proves morechallenging than either expected. Meanwhile, Karen sees a newside of Graham during a beach trip.
  19. until
    The gang recounts their worst Valentine's Day experiences inorder to cheer up Ellen.
  20. until
    A fiery incident brings revelations to light for Billie asCooper confronts his demons, and a joyous celebration of loveleads to new beginnings for all.
  21. until
    The gang's surprise for Val is derailed when she runs into herex. In the chaos, Sloane sees a new side of Paul, Anne putsAlice in the hot seat, and Kate goes above and beyond for herclient.
  22. until
    When an acerbic female stand-up comic is assaulted by a fellowcomic, she uses her platform to try the case in the court ofpublic opinion.
  23. until
    Capt. Strand and the 126 help a husband whose wife"dies" when she is not upside down. Grace takes acall from a pizza delivery driver who is in for the shock ofhis life. Tommy is worried Trevor's young daughter is a badseed as she attempts to break them up. Paul is hesitant to goon a date with Asha, who knows him prior to his transition.
  24. until
    Following a terrible accident, Sharon finds herself in thehands of the law; after Nancy's delirium, Richard finds herin a horrible situation.
  25. until
    Mark and Ritche pretend to be Protestant to fit in with a coolgroup of kids from another school. Pop meets up with an oldflame at a retirement home.
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