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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
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    Guests: comedians Brad Sherwood &amp: Jeff Davis.
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    When Ashley's favorite teacher is fired, Will goes to greatlengths to help her out and leaves Carlton in an uncomfortableposition
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    Stephen welcomes actor Hank Azaria, journalist IsabelWilkerson, and a musical performance by Depeche Mode.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Stephen welcomes actor Eugene Levy and rapper Nas.
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    Stephen welcomes an interview with and musical performance byP!nk, and actor Jonathan Majors.
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    Stephen welcomes Senator Bernie Sanders and a musicalperformance by Little Simz.
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    With numbers dwindling, it's anyone's game to take out thetitle of Sole Survivor. When two castaways put their best movesforward, will their plan to win over the alliance work?
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    The gang recounts their worst Valentine's Day experiences inorder to cheer up Ellen.
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    Dr. Jared Kalu makes a surprise return to San Jose's St.Bonaventure Hospital with his billionaire patient; Park musttreat the man his wife had an affair with and try to find a wayto forgive him.
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    A blackout at The Greybourne traps Elena, Roman, Bennet,Ginny and Kim in the attic. Tory and Matthew grow closer. Alexmakes a disturbing connection.
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    A heavy crew must remove a load of industrial glass panels froma buckled trailer, a double wreck pushes the crews from Herb'sand Cornwall into a tense race, Gary gives a rookie operatorthe chance to learn the ropes at a difficult scene.
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    The crew welcomes back Capt. Lee while new stew Leigh-Ann getsthrown into the deep end; Ben finds himself in an unexpectedlove triangle; Ross and Katie navigate what their"yacht-mance" means to them; Fraser tries to adjust to theteam dynamic.
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    Perry Mason 2x1 - Episode 1
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    WWE Monday Night RAW 30x10 - #1554 - TD Garden in Boston, MA
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    Murdoch Mysteries 16x20 - Just Desserts
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    Jesse Palmer welcomes 12 bakers to the kitchen, where theycreate desserts that prove their baking passion; they revisitthe desserts that sparked their love for baking and make cakesinspired by a loved one.
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    After a week of scenic overlooks, mystical mentalists and hotair balloon rides, Zach comes closer to finding the one.
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    The competition is fierce as Grammy Award-winning hip-hop starChance the Rapper and platinum-selling singer-songwriter NiallHoran claim their red chairs alongside returning coaches KellyClarkson and Blake Shelton as they vie to discover and coachthe next phenomenon.
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    A country music star with writer's block, Shay, fantasizesabout being anonymous so she can focus on finishing her nextalbum. Her beleaguered assistant, Beau, is surprised whenRoarke offers him a fantasy too. When their fantasies begin,Shay and Beau realize they've traded places: Shay is a completeunknown and Beau is the star. Javier learns something new aboutHelene's life before her mother's death.
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    Jimmy and Ryan compete for Pola's heart: Harrison reaches abreaking point and reveals an upsetting truth; a shocking textputs relationships in crisis; Jose and Kelle's relationshipheats up.
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    The Circus is on the ground in Florida, South Carolina,Maryland and New Hampshire to mark the unofficial kick-off ofthe Republican Party's presidential nominating contest. Theweek begins as a leading potential candidate, Florida GovernorRon DeSantis, launches his book tour and ends with CPAC, theannual conservative gathering that's friendly territory forformer President Donald Trump, who's already in the race. JohnHeilemann, Jennifer Palmieri, Mark McKinnon and guest hostTim Miller examine the fault lines already emerging in theparty.
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    With help from superstar judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry andLionel Richie, viewers embark on a nationwide search acrossNew Orleans, Las Vegas and Nashville to find the next singingsensation. Emmy® Award-winning host and producer Ryan Seacresthosts.
  25. until
    Ranch to Table 3x8 - Ranch Reunion
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