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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Parker battles a massive flood and weighs his first gold fromvirgin ground in Alaska. The Clayton brothers pray for abonanza as they finally start mining Golden Acres. Tony bringsin a secret weapon to open new ground.
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    Love Island 9x41 - Episode 41
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    Love Island 9x40 - Episode 40
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    Though Andrew Henry is a successful businessman, he has littleexperience in the fur trade when he joins a trapping expeditionheaded into the uncharted distant West. His partner, amercurial Spanish-American trader named Manuel Lisa, nearlystarts a mutiny by antagonizing American trappers whilefavoring the more experienced Canadian rivermen. When Lisasuddenly departs the expedition, Henry takes charge and vowsto find the lucrative beaver furs in a region called ThreeForks, which is ruled by the fearsome Blackfeet tribe. Alongthe way, he enlists the help of famous mountain man JohnColter, whose dire warnings about Three Forks cause deepunease among the men. Colter's fears come true when theBlackfeet strike again and again, killing some of the men andforcing the rest to take refuge in a hastily built fort. Beforelong, Henry must make an agonizing choice: break his word andabandon the trapping venture, or lead the remaining men deeperinto darkness to complete his mission.
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    Love Island 9x39 - Episode 39
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    Love Island 9x38 - Episode 38
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    Ranch to Table 3x7 - Good Neighbors
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    Billie looks to make a fresh start amid an emotional day.Sasha's soaring success isn't what she expected. Cooper's wildnight swerves out of control.
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    The Six get a taste of the life they've been working towardswhen their collaboration with Daisy becomes a hit. Rather thandefuse the friction between co-songwriters, this onlyexacerbates it - until Camila negotiates peace. Meanwhile,Graham wrestles with whether to profess his feelings for Karenat a house party in the Canyon, knowing that a wrong movecould threaten the survival of the band.
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    Dr. Jared Kalu makes a surprise return to San Jose's St.Bonaventure Hospital with his billionaire patient. Meanwhile,Park must treat the man his wife had an affair with and try tofind a way to forgive him.
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    A blackout at The Greybourne traps Elena, Roman, Bennet,Ginny and Kim in the attic. Tory and Matthew grow closer. Alexmakes a disturbing connection.
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    When Ben leaps into a harried public defender, he must keep aninnocent teenager accused of murder out of prison for life. Inan unexpected turn of events, Jenn puts her legal expertise tothe test as she steps in as the hologram on this complicatedleap.
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    When Ben lands in a 1950s psychiatric institution, he mustengineer a daring escape for a young woman unjustly committedby her husband. Meanwhile, the team is shocked to learn theidentity of a mole in Quantum headquarters.
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    1933. In the months following the Dodson trial, an aimlessPerry leans on Della to keep the law firm afloat. While Paulaccepts a job from an unlikely source, corrupt oil scionBrooks McCutcheon recruits Detective Holcomb in his quest toreshape the future of Los Angeles.
  15. until
    A country music star with writer's block, Shay, fantasizesabout being anonymous so she can focus on finishing her nextalbum. Her beleaguered assistant, Beau, is surprised whenRoarke offers him a fantasy too. When their fantasies begin,Shay and Beau realize they've traded places: Shay is a completeunknown and Beau is the star. Javier learns something new aboutHelene's life before her mother's death.
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    As Simone and the Bringston tennis team travel to theirtournament, prepared to dominate, an unexpected encounterputs them in danger. Simone, being a leader for her team,provides strength in a time of serious trouble. Damon pondershis next move in one area of his life, while dealing with anew baseball rival that ends up proving useful. Meanwhile,Nathaniel is presented with a challenge that she is unsure ifshe should accept, and Keisha works vigorously to appease herprofessor, which is met with grim consequences.
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    The NCIS team jumps into motion to investigate who isresponsible for a potential bio terror attack at a strip mallparking garage. Also, Knight's father deals with a healthscare while in Japan.
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    Coming Soon...
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    It's every racer for himself in the final rounds of"Street Wars", where the fastest races of theseason bring some surprise wins; in the finals, the ,000prize money comes down to the closest finish line in StreetOutlaws history.
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    Nearly exonerated, Ogden is implicated in the warden's murder.Murdoch delves into the death of a fraternity pledge.
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    Chance the Rapper and Niall Horan claim their red chairsalongside returning coaches Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton asthey vie to discover and coach the next phenomenon.
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    A dry thunderstorm rolls over LA, bringing in a series oflightning strikes emergencies for the 118 all over the city.Bobby sends Athena and May undercover into the rehab facilityas he is still investigating his AA sponsor's mysterious death.Maddie is dreading her parents' visit, while Albert surprisesChimney with one.
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    Despite his grief, Jordan attempts to man up in his dad'sabsence, but when Billy's death is used to garner positiveattention for the struggling GAU football program, Jordan isleft wondering if his legacy is only to live in his father'sshadow. Back at the Baker house, no one knows how to confrontLaura's excessive den-mothering, and Patience gets ready forher extravagant video premiere event.
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    With the end in sight, the remaining castaways are desperateto do anything to survive. Will jealousy cost one castaway thegame, or can they keep level-headed enough to make it throughanother night?
  25. until
    AEW Dark: Elevation 3x10 - AEW Dark: Elevation 105
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