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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
  2. until
    Otmar Szafnauer's efforts to overhaul Alpine bear fruit - untila new round of driver musical chairs throws his plans for thefuture into question.
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    With Gavin on the verge of dying, Eve and her family make adesperate attempt to set things right - even as an unexpectedtwist threatens to tear them apart forever. Veronica reveals asecret that sends her relationship with Lucas into jeopardy.
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    Garza and team are on the hunt for a ruthless gang leader on amission for revenge. Atlas comes to town to reconnect withLaura, but the two cannot seem to see eye-to-eye, and Simoneand Carter grapple with letting go of old grudges.
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    When a case that hits close to home comes across Will's desk,he discovers there is more to the incident than meets the eye.Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate a murdered magicianwhile uncovering some extra tricks that had been up his sleeve.
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    Kate is torn when she receives conflicting information abouther client as she's also roped into a group project with Jenny.Meanwhile, Anne guides Sloane on a mission to rediscover theirold selves.
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    After a group of Navajo friends are arrested for protesting thelocal Uranium mine, they come up with a plan to try and shutit down for good.
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    Alonzo questions Dale about the drugs that are being stashed atthe pharmacy.
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    John receives a message from a mysterious stranger. Meanwhile,Carlos, Latika and Ada work together to find answers, buttime is running out. Lastly, Mary and John have a warm butawkward reunion. There is a lot to unpack, but they realizethis isn't the time or place.
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    When a rising star triathlete is found violently murdered, theteam chases after one of her teammates and his girlfriend.Also, Remy reunites with a true crime show producer from hispast.
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    Gavin leads his family toward a new way home, but each stepinches everyone closer toward his devastating vision of Eve'sdeath. Levi, ostracized from the others, is given a chance atredemption when an old foe proposes a deal.
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    Capt. Strand reveals to the 126 he has been working with theFBI to help bring down a domestic terrorist group with hisAustin motorcycle club/gang The Honor Dogs, then race Owen torespond to a bomb threat at the State Capitol and put a stop tothe terrorist deadly plans.
  13. until
    Confidence grows when irrefutable, scientific evidence reportsthe fellowship is closer than ever to the gold.
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    The Fly Team and Smitty head to Morocco when a commercialaircraft flying from New York to Athens is grounded and anAmerican citizen on board goes missing. Also, Kellett'srelationship with Erd-s continues to blossom.
  15. until
    Mark tries to win back Fox during a school trip. Pop uses thetrip to revisit his past life as a bootlegger with Al Capone.
  16. until
    A blood moon brings out some of the weirdest cases New York hasto offer along with a surprise visitor: Abby's mom, who'scarrying some secrets. Gurgs suspects Dan knows more than he'sletting on. Olivia and Neil stumble on the truth.
  17. until
    Katherine has to go on a listening tour after a group ofyounger employees demand the company stop contributing to"pro-life" politicians. The men of the office arecharged with writing Payne's policies regarding abortion.
  18. until
    Mary and John's tense discussion is interrupted when Carlos andLatika arrive to discuss a mystery involving a creepy clown.Meanwhile, Ada makes an interesting discovery.
  19. until
    Now that Elijah and Abril have become allies, the team mustrely on Monica, Elijah's lawyer, to uncover their plans.Meanwhile, Officers Nolan and Juarez reopen her sister's caseand discover a discrepancy that leads them on a new trail.
  20. until
    Coming Soon...
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    After the daughter of Stabler's former Marine buddy iskidnapped, the task force must help to settle a dangerousdispute between two rival biker gangs wrapped up in a deadlyscheme.
  22. until
    Max receives a surprise visit from his dad for the first timein 30 years... Max isn't exactly happy to see him, and Kattries to plan a reunion dinner between the two. Meanwhile,Sheila and Gideon help Randi and Carter renovate their condo.
  23. until
    Cosgrove and Shaw must unravel a string of false crime reportsto get to the truth surrounding a respected doctor's murder.Shaw becomes the target of retaliation when he files acomplaint against two patrol officers.
  24. until
    Cordell and Cassie soon realize they aren't the only oneskeeping secrets, leaving Cassie to question who she can trust.The rest of the family focuses on the horse rescue, but theystill find themselves facing a few challenges.
  25. until
    Harris makes a big announcement. Meanwhile, Ben is overwhelmedwith family responsibilities.
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