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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    A new contender arrives to disrupt the ranks of Gloucester'sfinest, as Captain Michelle Bancewicz and First Mate LeaPinaud of Fishing Vessel No Limits make their entrance into thecompetition. While the fleet is split between fishing local andmaking the run south to Chatham, Michelle and Lea look to maketheir mark on the tuna world.
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    When a mystery woman attacks the founder of an AI company, theNCIS team must identify the woman before the next major globalconflict ensues. Also, Kilbride's ex-wife, Elizabeth (MariluHenner), comes to visit and asks him to think aboutreconnecting with their son.
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    Peter is mistaken for being a single parent, and relishes inthe perks that come with it.
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    Katsumoto takes a job providing security for a chart-toppingK-Pop star. Higgins and Rick find themselves in peril whiletrying to help Rick's friend. Magnum harbors suspicions aboutCapt. Greene's death.
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    The top-selling candy days of the year revolve around Easter,Valentine's Day, and Halloween. And it all started with a fewbold pioneers.
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    Bumpy utilizes Battle's contacts in the CIA to secure a steadysupply of a new drug: cocaine. Stella lies to Fineman in anattempt to escape Colombo's oversight. Mayme applies for agovernment contract for Palmetto.
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    When the 7-4 investigates a fatal fire at a hair salon,Killian and Morales turn to Dr. Ken Corley, a medical examinerwith ties to Regina's past, and fire marshal Nicky Greenvillefor crucial insight. Also, Haywood announces a new policywithout discussing it with Suarez, and Quinlan worries aboutBentley's worsening nightmares.
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    As the Bluefin season opens, Gloucester's toughest competitorskick off the battle for the first fish of the season and forthe title of "G.O.A.T." or "Greatest Of All Time." Governmentrestrictions limit the fleet to one fish per day and only fourdays of fishing per week. With such strict constraints, thewinning boat will prove itself to be the GOAT!
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    Kat and Alice try to stop Jacob's disappearance: Del realizesthe tragedy of Jacob was not hers alone.
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    The Last of Us 1x7 - Left Behind
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    When Louise is accused of a theft at school, Linda uses herposition as school office volunteer to try and solve the casefrom the inside.
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    Judy and Honeybee encounter a strange group in the woods. Therest of the family has to save Beef from an arranged marriage.
  13. until
    A retired father of six looks for the perfect place in Laurelwhere all his kids can come together for more quality time.He's looking for a particular blue and white color palette,and his decision between two houses takes Ben and Erin bysurprise!
  14. until
    McCall and Dante's relationship is tested when a conman theNYPD has been building a years-long case against kidnaps arelative of McCall's client and forces him to assist in a heistin order to save them.
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    The Circus is in Poland tracking President Biden as he stunsthe world with a visit to the embattled capital of Ukraine tomark the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion. Host JohnHeilemann talks with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivanabout the covert trip to Kyiv and the monumental challenges ofconfronting a nuclear armed Russia. Back in the U.S., MarkMcKinnon speaks with Bush White House veteran Nicole Wallace,while Jennifer Palmieri sits down with former NATO SupremeAllied Commander Admiral James Stavridis. Season premiere.
  16. until
    When Carl is smitten by a beautiful black woman, he looks intothe roots of his own identity by discovering the origins of amysterious rodeo buckle.
  17. until
    A tough-as-nails MMA fighter and a professional paramedic needto dig deep to attempt to survive 21 days in the brutal caimaninfested jungle of Rupunini, Guyana.
  18. until
    Guy Fieri continues the first round of culinary conflicts withfour more sudden death battles; not only will the chefs needto conquer their opponent, they'll also be facing off againstthe upgraded randomizer with an all-new wild card category.
  19. until
    America's Funniest Home Videos 33x16 - Episode 16
  20. until
    The pressure almost gets the better of her, but after a quickinteraction with Ton, Retsuko picks up the microphone to speakto her potential voters.
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    Coming Soon...
  22. until
    Regus invites himself out with Craig, which quickly escalatesand gets out of control. Meanwhile, preparing for a date,Elaine stumbles upon a key to the records room.
  23. until
    Ferrari drivers and decision-makers feel the pressure of highexpectations at a star-studded new event in Miami and agame-changing race at Silverstone.
  24. until
    Coming Soon...
  25. until
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