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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    In Pittsburgh, a real-life heavy metal hero reveals hismind-boggling stockpile. And in Tennessee, the team revs upfor a white-knuckle winner-takes-all go-kart smackdown.
  2. until
    With his long beard, ponytail, and ubiquitous advertising,Jamie Balagia - AKA The DWI Dude - is well-known in Texas asflamboyant defense attorney who can get drunk drivingdefendants out of a jam.
  3. until
    Robbie and Jersey comb through a homewrecker's massive cache ofarchitectural salvage, and Mike is determined to rescue a trioof dented Porsches.
  4. until
    Marlon and LaShonda Moore are accused of exploiting vulnerablepeople during the pandemic and convincing thousands of theirfans to invest in their illegal scheme; regulators claim theMoore's "blessed" themselves to the tune of millions ofdollars.
  5. until
    The team investigate the murder of a renowned calypso singer'shusband. Meanwhile, Neville struggles with Sophie'srevelations and contemplates his future in Saint Marie.
  6. until
    Rob Brydon and captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell are joinedby Stephen Bailey, Asim Chaudhry, Gemma Collins and SallyLindsay. The guests reveal extraordinary stories aboutthemselves, but are they telling the truth or making it allup?
  7. until
    Brenda finds love at the home of a clock collector but has shefallen for a killer?
  8. until
    Retsuko gets approached by a suspicious, but somewhatfamiliar-looking man who really, really wants her to run foroffice.
  9. until
    Coming Soon...
  10. until
    As resources on the island dwindle, the pogues weigh theiroptions. Ward and Limbrey make a shocking discovery.
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    A special effects artist unearths a past project to findclosure from the guilt of a fatal on-set accident; when olddemons resurface, Charlie is left to unravel a new deadlyplot.
  12. until
    The unknown caller leads the pack to the site of an attack. Toprotect their friends, Everett, Blake, Luna and Harlan crasha party. The task force follows a trail to an abandonedconstruction site where they discover the fire's point oforigin.
  13. until
    Aided by Seven of Nine and the crew of the U.S.S. Titan,Picard makes a shocking discovery that will alter his lifeforever - and puts him on a collision course with the mostcunning enemy he's ever encountered. Meanwhile, Raffi races totrack a catastrophic weapon - and collides with a familiarally.
  14. until
    A tech geek tells Frank his rabbits got into his specialchocolate bars. Frank and Shred find a python wrapped around aman's neck.
  15. until
    A man with dementia confesses to murder, but Benson and Carisibelieve there's more to the case; when rumors swirl around thesquad room, Fin presses Velasco for the truth.
  16. until
    It's Meredith's last day at Grey Sloan Memorial and the doctorsplan a goodbye surprise, while Nick confronts her about thefuture of their relationship. Elsewhere, the interns competeto scrub in on Maggie and Winston's groundbreaking partialheart transplant procedure, and Richard asks Teddy animportant question.
  17. until
    Through a series of letters Gus writes to his late wife, theorigin stories of Abby, Hoyt, Kate, Kai, Calian, and Tomare revealed along with the role each played in each other'sdestiny.
  18. until
    Troy attempts to run a record-breaking 100 lines alone: Ashleyand Anna venture into a notoriously haunted swamp known as theCemetery; Black Rambo searches for a legendary vampire killingkit; Joey and Zak try to save a lost dog.
  19. until
    After a terrifying lightning strike, the Station 19 crew worksovertime to extinguish the fire at Meredith Grey's home.Meanwhile, Maya is rushed to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital dueto a medical emergency.
  20. until
    The kids are allowed to wear jeans at school for Spirit Week.The only problem is that Mark doesn't own a pair. Meanwhile,Sister Rose picks Mary to join her choir.
  21. until
    When pharmaceutical CEO Marlina comes home to find herfiancandeacute; drowned, Victoria and Darby investigatewhether he was a victim of corporate espionage or Marlina's ownprogeny.
  22. until
    As Hunter puts the final pieces of the puzzle together, hesuddenly sees the case in a new light and realises that nobodyis who they appear to be. But it's not clear that Hunter willbe able to emerge unscathed from the explosive final showdown.
  23. until
    When a ballerina turns up dead, her alleged stalker is accusedof murder. Desperate, the suspect's mother turns to Italy'sfirst female lawyer for help.
  24. until
    Mark learns things about his parents he never knew, after ahistoric storm knocks out power to the Critch house.Meanwhile, when his father's back goes out, Mike Jr has tobroadcast all night alone.
  25. until
    With everyone's support, Jim sets his plan in motion to baitthe Swarm. All seems to go well until Howard goes rogue.
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