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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Will rallies the students to stage a protest, putting Carltonin an uncomfortable position.
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    Outer Banks 3x3 - Fathers and Sons
  3. until
    Will pursues opportunities in love and basketball with the helpof some new South LA friends.
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    Outer Banks 3x2 - The Bells
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    Outer Banks 3x1 - Poguelandia
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    Bel-Air 2x1 - A Fresh Start
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    The Ms. Pat Show 3x1 - TBA
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    A special effects artist unearths a past project to findclosure from the guilt of a fatal on-set accident; when olddemons resurface, Charlie is left to unravel a new deadlyplot.
  9. until
    Rowan inadvertently discovers her role in a prophecy that'sheld the Mayfair family for generations; Sip's investigationreaches its conclusion, uncovering secrets that could tarnishboth Rowan's family and his role in the Talamasca.
  10. until
    After midterms, the crew looks for new ways to alleviate theirstress and decides to give mushrooms a try. Aaron gets ropedinto a faculty karaoke night and surprisingly learns somethings about himself.
  11. until
    The ladies treat Maggie to one last hurrah before the baby'sarrival, and the guys attend a Bruins game for the last time.Meanwhile, Eddie toys with the idea of going back to collegeand Rome anxiously awaits news about his father.
  12. until
    After a brutal shooting, Burgess and Ruzek find themselvestrapped aboard the busy "L" subway train. As they piecetogether scant evidence, the team is drawn into a dark familydrama. Burgess' proximity to the shooting triggers harshmemories.
  13. until
    When their psyches are put to the test by hallucinations, thecrew must race to find the cause.
  14. until
    Nell's friends rally to set her up on some dates, but Nellisn't sure she's ready to move on. Edward has better luckfinding a match.
  15. until
    In July 2022, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope released itsfirst images, looking further back in time than ever before toshow our universe in stunningly beautiful detail. But that wasjust the beginning: With tons of new data and spectacularimages flooding in, Webb is allowing scientists to peer deepin time to try to answer some of astronomy's biggest questions.When – and how – did the first stars and galaxies form? Andcan we see the fingerprints of life in the atmospheres ofdistant exoplanets – or even within our own solar system?
  16. until
    An annoying floater takes a romantic interest in Violet. Rittercatches a local politician in a compromising position. Mouchand Severide help Trudy with an arson investigation.
  17. until
    Detectives rely on surveillance footage at a hospital inTyler, Texas, when patients mysteriously start dying in theintensive care unit.
  18. until
    Pretty Hard Cases 3x8 - Badge ***** Party
  19. until
    The Abbott staff heads to the Pennsylvania EducationalConference. Gregory reluctantly attends after a disagreementwith Amber and bonds with Janine over their similarities. Jacobfinds himself charmed by the Addington teachers.
  20. until
    With time running out, Nicky is forced to confront Bo to getinformation on Xiao's whereabouts before it's too late. Mei-Liclashes with Carrie at Harmony Dumplings, and Jin makes asurprising decision that could affect the outcome of theelection.
  21. until
    After a month of seeing one another and some preconceivednotions, Adam and Carmen discuss the status of their "adult"relationship. Meanwhile, an old friend of Erica's visitstown.
  22. until
    Crockett relies on O.R. 2.0 to save a construction worker'ssevered hand. Charles and Goodwin clash as negotiations drag onbetween the administration and the custodial workers' union.Hannah fights to keep a mother and her newborn baby together.
  23. until
    Mamma Mia - it's ABBA night on The Masked Singer! This week'sepisode is full of pop rock and disco nostalgia, as thereigning champ takes on two new celebrity singers, eachperforming iconic songs - including "Dancing Queen,""Fernando" and S.O.S." - from the one and only Swedishsupergroup, ABBA. The stakes are higher than ever as thecrowning champion of the episode will head straight to thesemi-finals.
  24. until
    Barry and Iris start to put together the pieces of what'shappening in Central City and believe they know what the Roguesare after. Team Flash works together and recruits some unlikelyallies to help, and the plan does not go as Team Flashexpects. Meanwhile, Allegra does her best to avoid having aconversation with Chester.
  25. until
    After a sudden turn of events, the Conner family is forced toface the daily struggles of life in a way they never havebefore. This iconic family continues to demonstrate thatlaughter, conversation and love can overcome anything.
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