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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo meet some people with the need for greed in I DON'TSHARE, get all hopped up on BEER POWER, and get paid to slayin WORK'N AND TWERK'N.
  2. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo meet some smooth as silk seniors in GRAY VELVET,capture some bare bandits in RAW ENFORCEMENT, and witness somesue worthy accidents in SETTLEMENT TIME.
  3. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo meet some good time roaches in RIDICULOUS ROACHES,rebound from pain in BOUNCE BACKERS, and forget to call stepsupporters in LONELY LADDERS.
  4. until
    The Directing Staff challenge the remaining 11 recruits tostand up and be counted on the fourth phase of the course, asthey face a hostage rescue mission hoping to spring twoabducted recruits. The second leadership challenge is apunishing head to head team ammunition supply race, requiringgrit and determination to get the job over the line.
  5. until
    Tug of Words 2x63 - Let's Talk Comics
  6. until
    Tooning Out the News 3x14 - February 8, 2023 - SpecialCoverage: State Of The Union
  7. until
    The team must navigate the mistrust of authorities in atight-knit Somali community in Minnesota as they race to find akidnapped 14-year-old girl.
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    Sharon learns of Kareem's dark secret and worries for herlife, while Victoria's concerns may come true.
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    As a man, Kevin is shy and mild-mannered: onstage, she'sRobyn Banks, a fierce drag queen who's all confidence andcharisma. But when Kevin falls for a closeted guy secretlyliving a double life, their whirlwind affair leads todevastating consequences.
  10. until
    After a string of armed robberies target various businesses,the team investigates a suspect who leads them to somethingmuch bigger. Also, OA worries about his future when hisinvestments begin to go south.
  11. until
    Rookie architect Nick is aiming to solve Australia':shousing crisis by showing that good design is affordable foreveryone.
  12. until
    Sophie and Val have conflicting feelings about brunch withVal's parents. The gang attends Jesse's Long Island show.
  13. until
    A suspicious looking man comes up to Manaka after an OTM Girls'show and asks her about "Aggressive Retsuko". Haidameets up with Tadano.
  14. until
    The team must stop a militia from detonating a highlycombustible truck in their possession. Meanwhile, OfficersNolan, Thorson, Juarez and Detective Harper search for threemen who may have been exposed to Ebola and detain them forquarantine.
  15. until
    It's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air. The FBI teams upwith LAPD to take down a shady Casanova linked to a notoriousdrug lord. While the rest of the team celebrates with their newloves, Simone connects with someone new.
  16. until
    Eve and Gavin ally with James to infiltrate the Lazarusbuilding in hopes of saving Ty and stopping Kiera fromdestroying their only way home. When a deadly horde awakensbeneath the clearing, Veronica must save Ella before a lethalsting kills her.
  17. until
    The team is ecstatic when new scientific evidence narrows downthe location of the gold signature in the Money Pit. And Rickrealises a lifelong dream when he finally gets underground onOak Island.
  18. until
    Owen helps defend Marjan when a rescue complaint forces her tomake a challenging ethical decision. Meanwhile, Gracebefriends a young boy who becomes a frequent 9-1-1 caller, butwhen she discovers he may be in some real danger she must stepin.
  19. until
    The Fly Team investigates the death of an American lawyerworking out of Budapest, Hungary, after he is killed by a carbomb. Kellett begins to grow close to Hungarian lieutenantBenedek Erd-s as the critical case progresses.
  20. until
    The biggest blunder in Survivor history turns Simon into publicenemy number one. With no alliances left does he have anychance of survival?
  21. until
    Physical: 100 1x9 - Episode 9
  22. until
    Honest Trailers 255x7 - Episode 7
  23. until
    Sophie and Val have conflicting feelings about brunch withVal's parents. The gang attends Jesse's Long Island show.
  24. until
    On Allie's birthday, Tory, Matthew, and Jasper try to findthe best way to confront their grief and honor her memory.Elena discovers someone she trusts is lying to her.
  25. until
    Chad Grenier deals with a spun-out tractor. Bill Wright bringshis new rotator to a dangerous corner of the 401. The Herb'sTowing crew faces a major challenge when a semi barrels acrossboth sides of the highway.
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