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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Jimmy welcomes actor Christoph Waltz, comic Tig Notaro, and amusical performance by Fitz & the Tantrums.
  2. until
    Guest host Chelsea Handler tackles the news of the day.
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    While the team searches for clues to understand why an ancientwell was constructed on Lot 26, excitement abounds when moreevidence of a tunnel heading directly towards the garden shaftis discovered.
  4. until
    Jimmy welcomes actor Ashton Kutcher, actress Alison Brie, anda musical performance by Dermot Kennedy.
  5. until
    Guest host Chelsea Handler tackles the news of the day.
  6. until
    The semi-finals are looming. All the teams need to do to booktheir place is answer questions such as: 7 March 2021, 3 July2021, 22 January 2022. What comes next in the sequence?
  7. until
    Finally, Vera stumbles across a car with a baby inside duringthe middle of a storm leading her to seek refuge at herancestral home of Brockburn House, where she comes face toface with estranged family members.
  8. until
    In North Carolina, Stephanie Powell-Anderson's conveniencestore shift ends in bloodshed, as part of a larger pattern ofviolence plaguing the area; with the assailant growing bolderby the day, the heat is on to make an arrest before he killsagain.
  9. until
    Nonnatus House is abuzz with excitement as the countdown toTrixie and Matthew's wedding begins. Whilst Sister Veronica hasappointed herself in charge of organising the wedding gifts,Trixie's brother, Geoffrey Franklin, arrives from Malta andimmediately starts arranging the perfect hen do. However, theapproaching nuptials cause stress levels to escalate as acatalogue of small and great disasters threaten to spoil theday.Dr Turner, Shelagh and Timothy are first on the scene of afatal car crash. Dr Turner experiences the biggest test of hiscareer as they race against time to save a preciouslife.Meanwhile, Nancy considers her future, and SisterJulienne hatches a plan to save Nonnatus House once and forall.
  10. until
    Molly Yeh uses the delicious flavors of Poland to create acomforting feast! She creates a hearty meal of fluffy CheesePierogies, savory White Borscht Soup and tangy SauerkrautPancakes. For dessert, Molly bakes up sweet and flaky KolackyCookies.
  11. until
    Who will be next on the chopping block as King George and QueenShonee revel in their newfound power? And with the OG Villainsoutnumbered could a proposition be the end of the Spice Girlsalliance?
  12. until
    Mayor of Kingstown 2x6 - TBA
  13. Midnight

    1923 1x7 - TBA

    1923 1x7 - TBA
  14. until
    A blocked bearded dragon: a feisty cow to dodge: a surprisefor Tater.
  15. until
    Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazingmagic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artistsand performers displaying skills ranging from perplexinginteractive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all infront of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episodeinclude Murray SawChuck, Lucy Darling, Jonathan LaChance,Dan Sperry, Robert Ramirez and My Uyên.
  16. until
    Murdoch investigates the murder of a respected art dealer whohad a sideline selling illegal pornographic drawings.
  17. until
    Jojo confronts Buck over his toxic behavior: Sakoya attemptsto mend her relationship with Tiny; Egypt and Sam decide whowill be invited to their wedding; Treach suspects Sam hasulterior motives for marrying Egypt; Layzie mourns his mother.
  18. until
    Wess gets off to a great start in Dr. Now's program, but whenthe cravings continue after surgery, Dr. Now sends him totherapy to confront his demons; Wess must ask himself whetherhe is ready to live his truth as a *** man in small-townTexas.
  19. until
    The five remaining celebrities take to the stage in the fourthseries semi-final as panellists Rita Ora, Jonathan Ross,Davina McCall and Mo Gilligan try to guess who the performersare, accompanied this evening by the former footballer PeterCrouch as a celebrity guest. This episode sees a doubleelimination as five become three, so at the end of the showtwo contenders will be unmasked and their identities revealed.
  20. until
    An ordinary day at the lake is filled with boating, drinking,fighting, lap dancing and a revelation that leaves the roomiesspeechless.
  21. until
    In an effort to steer his life in the right direction, ElFuego shares some damning details that could blow back on him.Amp's destructive behavior could land him back in familiartrouble.
  22. until
    Madam and Lotus's issues reach a point of no return. El Fuegocan't seem to take all the things weighing on his mind and maycrack under the pressure.
  23. until
    Love Island 9x21 - Episode 21
  24. until
    Dr Turner experiences the biggest test of his career, whileTrixie's approaching nuptials cause stress levels to escalate.Sister Julienne hatches a plan to save Nonnatus House.
  25. until
    On the night of a massive storm, trying to get home, DCI VeraStanhope comes across an abandoned car with a baby inside. Withno mobile signal and blocked roads at every turn, Vera isforced to seek refuge somewhere she'd rather not be, BrockburnHouse, the Stanhope's ancestral pile. Vera doesn't exactlyreceive a warm welcome from her estranged family as there's afunction in full swing and her turning up with a baby isn't agreat look. Things start to look even worse and take a farsinister turn when a body is found on the track leading toBrockburn House.
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