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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    While working at a go-kart complex, Charlie becomes involvedin a bitter feud between an aging race car driver and ahotheaded young upstart, whose rivalry has explosiveconsequences.
  2. until
    Wolf Pack 1x4 - Fear and Pain
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    The Upshaws 3x1 - TBA
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    As Hunter puts the final pieces of the puzzle together, hesuddenly sees the case in a new light and realises that nobodyis who they appear to be. But it's not clear that Hunter willbe able to emerge unscathed from the explosive finalshowdown.
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    Zaara and the rest of Junior's friends can't stand his newgirlfriend, Grace, but he is determined to change that. Couldbringing her to crash Zaara's birthday dinner do the trick?.
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    An unexpected fan steps behind the mic at Maggie's radio show,and Walter attempts to convince Rome he is more than capable ofbeing behind the wheel. Meanwhile, Eddie makes moves toreenter the dating pool and gets some help from an unexpectedally.
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    All hope seems lost when the crew learns an asteroid is hoursaway from impact.
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    Voight and the team help ASA Nina Chapman pursue a drug runnerwho dodged prison years ago after Chapman's informantmysteriously disappeared. the investigation takes a turn whenVoight uncovers a damaging secret from Chapman's past.
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    Nell is asked to write an obituary for a popular influencerwith whom she has history. Elsewhere, Sam helps Dennisovercome an old fear.
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    Firehouse 51 helps Herrmann put on a school fundraiser.Carver's troubled brother comes to town. a grateful citizen isdetermined to thank Brett and Severide for saving his life.
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    Kelly goes to Guelph on her own in search of the chemist behindpurple rain, as Sam's health issues have her trailing behind;Sam finds Kelly trapped in an explosive situation.
  12. until
    With her world crashing down around her, Nicky is forced toreevaluate her recent actions in order to move forward. Altheagoes undercover to gain more information about DeltaSecurities, and Henry and Zhilan follow a lead regardingXiao's whereabouts.
  13. until
    Raquel cozies up to Peter in an attempt to get over James:Lala opens up about the origins of her last relationship;James throws Raquel under the bus to Lisa; Katie comes face toface with the bar that led to the demise of her marriage.
  14. until
    Recent stunning archaeological discoveries are exploding themyth of the Amazon as a primeval wilderness, revealing tracesof ancient civilizations that flourished there for centuries.Dense settlements indicate populations in the millions,supported by sophisticated agricultural systems, while hugegeometric earthworks and roadways bear witness to complexreligious ideas and social networks. The evidence is now clearthat, far from being an untouched wilderness, the Amazon hasbeen shaped by human hands for millennia.
  15. until
    Karen and Andi deal with a matter of betrayal that threatensthe sistahood. Fatima leaves Zac for the night to make harddecisions about what her next move should be.
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    In the first word battle of tonight's game, old buddies andpolice officers will have to get past twin sister telepathy,then it's a Texas couple facing off against a mother-daughterpair, all ending in a surprise celebration.
  17. until
    Barbara's candle accidentally starts a small fire in theteacher's lounge and a counselor suggests that she might not behandling the aftermath well. Meanwhile, Melissa rekindles herchildhood dream of being a firefighter.
  18. until
    Run the Burbs 2x7 - Phresh Start
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    Erica's world opens when she befriends another young mom.Meanwhile, Barry and Adam team up for a money-makingperformance inspired by a kooky '80s educational entertainer.
  20. until
    TV's favorite guessing game returns with all-new singers,all-new themed episodes and the "Champion of the Masked Singer"style competition. Every episode features sudden eliminationand double unmaskings, but there is a new twist entering thecompetition this season: for the first time ever, panelistswill have the opportunity to save a singer from loomingelimination with the "Ding Dong Keep it On" Bell. Who will berevealed and who will reign supreme? Three celebrities willperform.
  21. until
    Four chefs who've won virtually every Food Network competitionare now competing for the title of Flavortown Food NetworkChamp and a ,000 prize. First, the chefs compete in a pairof one-on-one sudden-death matches featuring spinning orderwheels. The winners of these dual battles face off in ahigh-stakes culinary confrontation. The chefs make a high-endseafood dinner with details determined by the notorious foodpyramid. Ultimately, the judges will determine which chef'sdinner will earn them the ,000 prize and the title ofFlavortown Food Network Champ!
  22. until
    Barry feels guilty for what happened to Caitlin and Mark comesup with a plan which makes everyone skeptical. Meanwhile, RedDeath looms in Central City and commands that failure is not anoption. Joe asks Cecile to make a choice which leads Cecile tothink about the greater good. Allegra and Chester take a stepin a new direction. Lastly, old friends pay an unexpectedvisit to S.T.A.R. Labs.
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    Darlene continues her search for a new job: Becky is desperateto spend more time with Beverly Rose.
  24. until
    Married at First Sight 16x7 - Jamaican Me Crazy
  25. until
    Workin' Moms 7x7 - It's All Gone
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