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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Jacob and Don venture into a cursed pirate swamp: Williefishes solo after Little Willie takes a land job; Ronnie andTimmy battle poachers; Troy gambles on Pickle's new hot spot;Leron and Porkchop step up their game.
  2. until
    Mary butts heads with Mandy's mother, Audrey, and Sheldonattempts male bonding.
  3. until
    Cartman is jealous of the friendship that's developed betweenKyle and Tolkien and decides to do something about it. Clydeand Scott pitch their movie idea to Kyle.
  4. until
    Camille hosts a menu tasting for famous guests. Andrew refusesmoney from his parents, even though times are tight.
  5. until
    Coming Soon...
  6. until
    Jacob throws himself into work, Ethan has a revelation, andDylan makes a shocking discovery.
  7. until
    The Masire clan starts to fall apart as Tlotlo decides to turnagainst Mo and Veronica shows another side of herself in asurprising turn of events.
  8. until
    Everything - from gaining Rocío's respect to a chance atfighting in the WWE - is on the line for Ángela. And it allboils down to beating Dulce Caramelo.
  9. until
    Coming Soon...
  10. until
    Tensions rise between Fred and the Clayton Brothers when aborrowed machine comes back broken. Parker's wash plant Big Redturns into a problem child. Dave's crew struggles to getthrough the rocky Three Amigos paydirt.
  11. until
    Coming Soon...
  12. until
    The Masire safe house is invaded. Angela discovers whereVeronica's loyalties truly lie. Mo begins an operation to findPhumzi and protect his family.
  13. until
    Ángela partners with the police to set up a trap. Shockingrevelations are unveiled, turning Ángela against one of herclosest friends.
  14. until
    The Alchemical Universe is under threat, and Mila and herfriends need to get to the depth of the Eternal Fire in orderto ruin The Operator's evil plans. But Operator Zero won't givein, he will use all of his resources to stop Mila from savingthe multiverse.
  15. until
    In Simons Memorial Service, Mo is attacked, but the mermaid'spower protects him. He now has a difficult decision to make inorder to save Phumzi.
  16. until
    A change of scenery toughens up Ángela in the ring, but arisky move on the streets comes back to haunt her - and herfamily.
  17. until
    Mila and Vinícius get to the greenhouse through the CopperTunnel. Operator Zero catches them by locating Mila with adevice designed to scan the multiverse and reveals to Mila thattheir goal isn't to destroy just the Alchemical Universe, butall of the multiverse. Mila needs information that only Elishas.
  18. until
    While staying at Lalo's, Rocío runs away. Betty's impulsivebehavior causes a rift between her and Lucía. The ladies raceto make it to a group match.
  19. until
    The Masire family strikes back and tear up the town to find outwho killed the patriarch. Phumzi is being held captive bysomeone from her past.
  20. until
    Ángela suspects Lalo had something to do with her arrest.Rocío gets in trouble at school but is comforted by Dulce.Victoria goes on a date.
  21. until
    The Masire patriarch is killed and now Mo must find out who didit. Tlotlo gets into a dangerous negotiation with Zaza. Mo andAngela have a moment.
  22. until
    After the big heist, the police take the Masire clan forinterrogation and Phumzi reveals her secret to Mo. Tlotlo facesone of the most dangerous Masire enemies.
  23. until
    Ludark challenges Black Bride to a match, but with the cops onher tail, Ángela thinks she should lay low. However, hergirlfriends think otherwise.
  24. until
    Veronica still has a lot to answer about her life in the last20 years. Trying to figure out what happened to Simon, Angelagrows suspicious of Mo.
  25. until
    Tensions rise after Lucía volunteers to be Ángela's attorney.Rocío learns a lesson about trust the hard way, but then getsa pleasant surprise.
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