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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    YOU 4x4 - Hampsie
  2. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x7 - TBA
  3. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x6 - TBA
  4. until
    YOU 4x3 - Eat the Rich
  5. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x5 - TBA
  6. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x4 - TBA
  7. until
    Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina 2x12 - The HopeDevourer
  8. until
    YOU 4x2 - Portrait of the Artist
  9. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x3 - TBA
  10. until
    Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina 2x11 - Belly of theBeast
  11. until
    Velma 1x10 - The Brains of the Operation
  12. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x2 - TBA
  13. until
    Velma 1x9 - Family (Wo)man
  14. until
    With the storm now in full force, Hunter is trapped on theisland with Fraser with no possibility of backup from themainland. Things ramp up when the killer strikes again. CanHunter find out who the killer is before anyone else gets hurt?
  15. until
    YOU 4x1 - Joe Takes a Holiday
  16. until
    Desperate to relinquish Lasher, Rowan reaches out to herextended Mayfair family for help; Rowan must trust theirunique process, a sacred ritual; Sip's search for answerstakes him back to the Talamasca.
  17. until
    Poker Face 1x6 - Exit Stage Death
  18. until
    My Dad the Bounty Hunter 1x1 - TBA
  19. until
    Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina 2x10 - The Killbox
  20. until
    Season Finale With Rossi in Voit's clutches, he grappleswith the limits of his technical know-how and mental strength.As the BAU tightens their grip on Voit, he reveals just howfar he's willing to take his deadly crusade.
  21. until
    Cartman is jealous of the friendship that's developed betweenKyle and Tolkien and decides to do something about it.
  22. until
    The crew struggles to establish order: investigations uncovermore questions than answers.
  23. until
    The family of friends gathers once again to celebrate the lifeof a loved one who dies unexpectedly. Meanwhile, Katherineshows Maggie the secret to registering for baby gifts, andRome supports his father through a difficult transition.
  24. until
    As Nell tries to settle into her new job, she getsincreasingly annoyed by her latest ghost. Meanwhile, Edwardworks on a project that sparks Nell's journalistic curiosity.
  25. until
    A NASA spacecraft named Lucy blasts off from Cape Canaveral ona mission to the Trojans, a group of asteroids over 400million miles from Earth thought to hold important clues aboutthe origins of our solar system. Just hours before, inSenegal, West Africa, a team of scientists sets out tocapture extraordinarily precise observations vital to thesuccess of the Lucy mission – crucial data needed to helpNASA navigate Lucy to its asteroid targets across millions ofmiles of space. The team's visionary leader, Senegaleseastronomer Maram Kaire, takes viewers on a journey toinvestigate his nation's rich and deep history of astronomy,reaching back thousands of years – and the promising futureahead.
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