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Everything posted by Midnight

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    When Quinten joins George's fantasy baseball league, he hits ahome run with the guys but strikes out with Mayan. Chance findsout Rosie's using him in her insurance ads and turns into atotal diva.
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    The queens fast forward 50 years to perform in old lady girlgroups, singing about life, love, and growing old with yourbesties. Actress/ comedian Megan Stalter (Hacks) guest judges.
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    Stabler and Teddy Silas hatch a plan to turn the club into anindispensable venue for Murphy's illegal dealings. Jet blursthe lines between real life and her undercover persona. Belltries to convince Thurman to take her investigation seriously.
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    It is time for Kelly and Barb to prove why Flatch should be thepermanent home of the Butter Bust Museum and she is willing todo whatever it takes! Meanwhile, Shrub has big news to deliverto Lloyd and Mandy is in charge of blessing the town's animals.
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    Lawrence and the governor seek Margaret's help with a personallegal matter related to the governor's sister, and whileMargaret is ecstatic to be of assistance, Lawrence refuses tolet Todd anywhere near the case.
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    Anna takes aim at swamp monsters with her bow and arrow:Pickle surprises Troy with her secret weapon; Black Rambohunts for a legendary antique rifle; Little Willie breaks newsto his dad that transforms their season; Joey and Zak chase abeast.
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    A car accident leads the detectives on a search for anambulance driver assaulting his charges. Fin gives DetectiveBruno a tour of Manhattan SVU.
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    Sam and Jay's assistant, Freddie, purchases ghost-huntingequipment when suspicious activity leads him to theorize theB&B is haunted. Also, Sasappis risks losing hisrelationship with Jessica when Freddie sells his car.
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    In celebration of Max's birthday, Kat, Randi and Carterjointly gift him a recreational vehicle rental so they can goon a road trip together. Gideon decides to join in on the trip.Randi and Carter bicker over where they should live together.
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    When a graduate student is found dead, Cosgrove and Shawfollow the evidence to a suspect with no clear motive. Priceand Maroun uncover a money-grabbing scheme within a church.McCoy warns them to focus on the suspects and not theinstitution.
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    Madcatter and Riptide look to settle a score: it's just onetense highlight in an action-packed fight card as thecontenders battle to raise their place in the BattleBotshierarchy.
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    Seeking a country retreat for all their family, Ross and Cathyuse their knowledge and love of the outdoors to build acutting-edge straw home that can withstand the harshest ofelements.
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    Hunter and Victoria discover the truth about Jason just as hislife is about to implode.
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    Parker barrels towards his first Alaska gold weigh but a floodin the Wolf Cut could derail everything. Tony makes a mammothdiscovery. The Clayton Brothers finally reach Golden Acres andstart stripping.
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    A nontoxic disposal of kitchen cooking oils. A tool thattransforms eating utensils into a common kitchen accessory. Aviral device designed to help save time and lessen fatigue. Aproduct to keep creepy crawlers out of your home.
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    Graham is joined by Claire Foy, M Night Shyamalan, SarahMichelle Gellar, Rob Beckett and singer Sam Smith.
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    The saga of the Flatch porch pirate continues. When Kelly andShrub realize who the culprit is, they must figure out how todo right by Flatch. Joe misses Cheryl, so Barb decides it'stime for a makeover.
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    Kat hires a new baker at the Kat Cafe and shows him aroundtown. Max and Carter wingman for Sheila.
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    Junior realizes he's not earning enough money, so he focusesall his efforts on a new stock market side hustle. Aaron'sstudents accuse him of being a sellout. Lauryn stops singing tofocus on a "real job".
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