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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Under the Vines 2x4 - Episode 4
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    Under the Vines 2x3 - Episode 3
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    Anne Burrell and Darnell Ferguson bring back the classic gameof Remote Control Chef, where each team must taste anddescribe a dish to their chef via headset so they can perfectlyreplicate it. For the Main Dish challenge, the chefs needtheir recruits to showcase all of the tips, tricks and hacksthey've learned so far by making a classic Sunday roast withYorkshire pudding and sides. The least successful recruits areeliminated.
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    Alice falls in love with the past and has her first kiss. Katstarts a job at the local paper. Del deals with bittersweetmemories attached to Colton's boat.
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    Boot camp's been hacked, and it's up to the recruits torecover the missing recipe data! Anne Burrell and DarnellFerguson have their teams taste international dishes to findthe hidden ingredient disks. Then, the recruits learn how tomake pierogies for the Skill Drill cook. The next stop isMexico for the Main Dish challenge, and the chefs teach theirteams to make crispy fish tacos. The recruit who is lost at seais sent home.
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    This week features a one-on-one interview with Frances Haugen,social media activist and author of the forthcoming book "ThePower of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth andWhy I Blew the Whistle on Facebook." This week's paneldiscussion includes founder and editor of The Free Press, BariWeiss; and former Ohio Congressman, Tim Ryan.
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Australia's most controversial social experiment is back as 20hopeful singles look for love by meeting and marrying astranger at first sight. This episode includes the bucks andhens, and the first two weddings.
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    Returning players and new faces battle it out on the beaches ofSamoa. Who will outwit, outplay and outlast to become the solesurvivor and take out the half-million-dollar prize?
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    AEW Dark: Elevation 3x5 - AEW Dark: Elevation 100
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    Bode and his fellow prison inmate firefighters band togetherwith the civilian station 42 crew to battle a monstrous firethat erupts after a plane crash. Meanwhile, the crews welcomea new member to the family.
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    The NCIS team must quickly find Kensi and Fatima after they arekidnapped and drugged while searching for a missing Navylieutenant who they learn has ties to a dangerous Islamicmilitia.
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    When one of the men swoops in to steal Stefany for himself,all bets are off. Daters must dance their way to a sexy salsaouting, and things heat up when Harrison puts his Magic Mikemoves on display!
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    The Last of Us 1x3 - Long, Long Time
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    Mike Rowe descends into the depths of an aging manhole,coating it with a polyurea liner to extend its warranty inMurfreesboro, TN. Mike joins an horologist and a priest to setthe time right as he restores a historic clocktower in ournation's capital.
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    A deer tries to eat a chunk of a woman's hair when she posesfor a picture; the ongoing battle of cats vs. dogs; a musicalsalute to runaway cars.
  17. until
    The black jacket final five are challenged to cook dishes withingredients from different cities. James Beard Award winningChef Michael Cimarusti joins Gordon to judge the chefs dishes.And, for the first time, chefs will prepare for dinnerservice in one kitchen, and one will be eliminated.
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    Jack is sucked into a complex case where he's pitted againsthis former mentor. The tight-knit group of police officersprovide a difficult case where nothing is as it seems.
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    Hoping to pay back their debt, the team takes on a job for anunexpectedly high-profile client. But the task proves moretreacherous than they imagined.
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    The group of friends is shocked by what they hear: the wholeuniverse is in danger! Without losing her cool, Mila heads thegroup and asks for help from the only person who can dosomething. Although Elis is in danger, she tells them to fleeto the Copper Tunnel. Now they need to think of a safe way toget there.
  21. until
    Charlie goes on tour with has-been metal band Doxxxology, amotley crew of dejected rockers who've spent decades trying towrite a new hit; Charlie suspects foul play when one musicianwinds up dead.
  22. until
    Michael Desiato resists a request from Fia, but Olivia Delmontpushes him to exploit a newfound connection. Little Mo's dealgoes sour, leaving Eugene to pick up the pieces. A face-offbetween Michael and Jimmy results in a startling confession.
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    Jose Battle asks for a favor from his new partner BumpyJohnson: a political assassination. Malcolm X is detained bySaudi authorities when he travels to Mecca. The districtattorney's office targets Mayme for her gangster ties.
  24. until
    At Deirdre's funeral, Rowan is plunged into the complex worldof the Mayfair family.
  25. until
    A man trying to row from New Zealand to Nova Scotia visits therestaurant to have a burger and it changes everything.
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