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Everything posted by Midnight

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    A rainy day gives Kitty a chance to declutter, but chaosensues when she clears out the kids' special stash. Leia asksNikki for relationship advice.
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    The CSI team investigates the death of an archaeologist foundnear the breakthrough discovery of an ancient civilization.Also, Max locates another cryptic note written in familiarsilver ink after a mentally distressed woman kills herattacker.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Sheldon learns the university is building a database withouthim. Also, Mary takes care of a bedridden Mandy and Meemaw.
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    Cordell is tipped off that Grey Flag may still have him astheir prime target. Meanwhile, Captain James has discoveredthat Cordell and Cassie weren't truthful about some top-secretinformation and Trey's involvement in the prior week's caselands him in hot water. Abeline and Bonham disagree on howready Cordell is to handle his responsibilities, while Liamcontinues to pursue his new business venture, despite hisdad's displeasure over his son's new partner.
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    The team join Naomi in Saint Barnabas when her best friend'sfather is murdered at a wedding. Meanwhile, Marlon tries toprepare for his sergeant exams but is easily distracted.
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    Rob Brydon hosts as team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchellare joined by guests Mist, Jayde Adams, LaurenceLlewelyn-Bowen and Ellie Simmonds. All reveal extraordinarystories about themselves, but are they telling the truth ormaking it all up?
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Record of Ragnarok 2x10 - TBA
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    Record of Ragnarok 2x9 - TBA
  15. until
    Poker Face 1x4 - TBA
  16. until
    Record of Ragnarok 2x8 - TBA
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    Record of Ragnarok 2x7 - TBA
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    Record of Ragnarok 2x6 - TBA
  19. until
    Poker Face 1x3 - TBA
  20. until
    Record of Ragnarok 2x5 - TBA
  21. until
    Record of Ragnarok 2x4 - TBA
  22. until
    Velma 1x6 - The Sins of the Fathers and Some of the Mothers
  23. until
    Poker Face 1x2 - TBA
  24. until
    Record of Ragnarok 2x3 - TBA
  25. until
    Record of Ragnarok 2x2 - TBA
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