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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The MPU works to track down the kidnapped son of a doctor, butthe case takes a turn when his mother gets in direct contactwith the kidnapper. Meanwhile, Kemi expresses her concerns forSidney's wellbeing to Nikki and Jason.
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    Once again, Simone's world has been rocked, leaving her nochoice but to stand up for herself with her support systemfighting right by her side. Damon is at a personal low, butthings get worse when a salacious rumor circulates about himand the baseball team. Keisha's dance trajectory hits a majorroadblock leaving everyone to rally around her. JR reflects onhis friendship when Cam shows interest in KEK. Meanwhile,Amara struggles with trying to balance being president andbeing an aunt.
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    When Laura throws Billy a surprise birthday party, everyonecomes together to roast Billy, but Billy has a loomingdecision hanging over his head. Spencer makes an effort to dowhat's best for himself, hoping it helps Olivia and him take astep towards moving on. Jayme offers some sage advice to Asherabout his speech with JJ, but she ignores her own aboutwatching out for red flags. Meanwhile, Jordan and Layla get intheir first fight over something neither of them could havepredicted.
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    Season Premiere
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    On a new road, Nova and the team face their toughest showdownyet for ,500, against a super-fast group of local racersled by Big Marc.
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    Murdoch suspects malfeasance and murder in the apparentdrowning of a military recruit.
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    Levelling-up leaders and environmental activists clash in asmall town trying to look to the future. With a sabotaged trainand a dead mayor, the activists become suspects.
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    After an eerie encounter at the school, ?ahsu is made tobelieve she was hallucinating. At home, she starts to see hergrandfather in a new light.
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    In the wake of the tugboat crash, the next step in Spencer andAlexandra's fate is revealed. Cara and McDowell begin hiringnew Livestock Officers. Teonna covers her tracks as Marshallscome looking. Jacob gains strength.
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    Jay and Leia are crushing on each other, but who will make thefirst move? Meanwhile, Ozzie's plans for the gang to go to arave in Milwaukee backfire.
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    Shane and Sophie challenge old patterns, while Alice discovers"The One" may be closer than she thinks. Danidistracts herself from Dre, until a surprising reveal forceher to choose what she really wants. Micah and Maribel makemoves toward becoming parents, while Finley takes a big stepinto adulthood as all of the season's love, lust, loss,laughs and longing come to a head.
  12. until
    Michael Desiato discovers a jaw-dropping secret. Olivia Delmontseizes an opportunity to push Michael to make a dangerousdecision. Meanwhile, a desperate business deal hatched byLittle Mo and the Desire Crew threatens Eugene and his low-keylife on the run. Elizabeth shelters Michael while Big Mo's bigplans place her directly in the crosshairs of Gina.
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    A father confronts the limits of unconditional love when hecomes to believe his teenage son may be planning anunimaginable crime.
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    Kat is presented with a book deal that requires her to dredgeup terrible memories; Del wants to say goodbye to the past,while Alice yearns to return there.
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    Coming Soon...
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    In the aftermath of Deirdre's grisly death, Rowan searches forsafety in a strange city; Sip provides Rowan with a safe housewhile he investigates Deirdre's murder; Lasher makes contactwith Rowan but not in the way one might expect.
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    Amy helps Lisa with Platinum Bow. Tim has a difficult visitwith Shane. Katie leads a strike at Maggie's. Jack reconnectswith his country music roots.
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    Eliza tracks down a notorious conman in a remote part ofFrance, but she's not the only one who wants to claim thereward.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    The body of Lisa Mullworth is washed up on the banks of theRiver Tyne. Mullworth was the HR advisor of a local turbinecompany, and Vera and her team discover a mount of lies fromher family about Lisa and their own whereabouts and theirknowledge of the overall situation.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
  24. until
    Aubrey Plaza hosts Saturday Night Live on January 21, 2023,with musical guest Sam Smith.
  25. until
    Luz and her friends race against Belos to confront theCollector and save the Boiling Isles.
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