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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Three sandwich fanatics show Guy Fieri their stacked skills inFlavortown Market to earn some bread. First, the chefs have tomake a decadent sandwich with the cheese and bread picks theyselect in a Fantasy Food Draft. The winner gains an automatic,000 and faces off against the all-star judge of theirchoice in a final sandwich showdown to see who can make thebest mile-high sandwich using one ingredient per aisle. Whoevermakes the highest-scoring sandwich wins a second ,000prize.
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    The Conners 5x12 - Stuck In The Middle and Stuck In The Past
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    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Mike Greenberg hosts thispregame show with analysts Stepen A. Smith, Jalen Rose andMichael Wilbon.
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    Sandi Toksvig comes over all theatrical with Ed Byrne, CallyBeaton, Jack Dee and Alan Davies.
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    Returning to South Africa for the first of two series thisyear, lovestruck singletons will be guided through the twistsand turns of coupling up in a jaw-dropping Villa, by brand newhost Maya Jama.
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    Family Karma 3x10 - Project Karma
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    It's June 1968, and a carefree Nancy continues to spoilColette with new gifts. To afford such luxuries Nancy asksNurse Crane for additional duties, but things come to a headwhen Nancy is forced to acknowledge her spending is getting outof control.As health visitor, Sister Veronica visits theTalbot family and is delighted to see them celebrating a joyousoccasion. Single mum, Sandy has just married Joe Talbot whotreats her children, Peter and Ann Marie, like his own.However, Sister Veronica is shaken when Sandy reveals aterrible truth about her marriage and encourages her to seekhelp. Meanwhile, kinks remain in Sister Veronica and NurseCrane's working relationship.
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    The 11 remaining potters craft a keepsake box with a disguisedlid before facing a surprise blindfold challenge. Who will bepotter of the week and who will leave the pottery?
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    American Monster 9x9 - You Got Me Mean
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2x4 - Faster
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    When a Leverage International team's museum heist goes awry,our crew goes in to finish the job, ultimately realizingthey've been lured into a trap by a treacherous old friend.
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    Jess sacrifices everything to confront her dad's killer to findthe last piece of the map. But that meeting rocks her world asshe learns that nothing is what's expected on a treasure hunt,propelling her to make a dangerous decision that could land herin prison for life.
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    In the series finale, everyone's story reaches a surprisingyet inevitable conclusion.
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    Will and Faith's investigation into a small-town murder haslarge implications when a connection is drawn to adecadeslong, covered-up cold case. Meanwhile, the death of asecurity guard perplexes Angie while she contemplates anunexpected dinner invitation from Ormewood, which may rehashsome memories from their past.
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    Officer John Nolan and Celina are enlisted to stand guard at ahospital after a dangerous prisoner must have surgery and theysuspect there's more to it than meets the eye. Meanwhile,Aaron gets Lopez and Harper to help him investigate a string ofhome robberies, and Tim and Lucy consider how their new secretrelationship will affect their work. Elsewhere, Lopez getsunexpected news.
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    Max and Wilder face a dilemma over approvals for arevolutionary cancer drug as Max learns a secret about his ownbout with cancer. Reynolds goes the extra mile to correct adire medical situation. Iggy tries desperately to help a womanin need, but finds the system is working against him.
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    As the unit investigates a murder victim whose body has beendrained of blood, the gruesome case catches the attention of atrue crime show, and Brendon shares his "Vampire Cop"expertise to help solve the case.
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    On her first day away from baby, Sloane's maternal anxietiesseep into the workplace. A disastrous commercial shoot bringsKate closer to her new client, as Anne goes on a risky fieldtrip with hers.
  20. until
    Abby pushes Dan to embrace his new role as public defender.Neil gets on board with Abby's quest to improve the courtroomand quickly realizes why trying is for the birds.
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    Son of a Critch 2x3 - Feast or Famine
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    WWE NXT 17x3 - Main Event: Roxanne Perez & Lyra Valkyria vs.Toxic Attraction
  23. until
    Judge Abby Stone follows in the footsteps of her late fatherJudge Harry Stone as she takes over the night shift of aManhattan arraignment court. When the court finds itself inneed of a public defender, Abby sees potential in an unlikelycandidate from her father's past: former night court prosecutorDan Fielding.
  24. until
    In this heavenly acting challenge, the queens must createinfomercials for a ***** afterlife. Country singer Maren Morrisand LQBT activist Ts Madison guest judge.
  25. until
    RuPaul's Drag Race 15x2 - One Night Only, Part 2
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