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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Competitive baking has a few gigantic events, and Cookie Conis one of them. It's the Superbowl of cookie competitions,where bakers are challenged to create masterpieces on a smallscale. Home bakers Maythe, RaChelle, Sumera and Kareemdiscover just how hard it is to win big with small, sweetdetails.
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    Parker discovers he's a victim of identity theft whileinvestigating the unusual murder of a Navy ensign. Also,Knight and Jimmy face hurdles in their relationship as theirconnection heightens.
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    Bob and Abishola are at odds over whether Dele is ready to getbehind the wheel and decide to take matters into their ownhands. Also, Christina offers Douglas some work advice only towatch him claim her ideas as his own.
  4. until
    Calvin and Tina decide to take the honeymoon they never had toMadrid. Also, Dave and Gemma team up with Malcolm and Marty ona project intended to surprise Calvin upon his return.
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    Murdoch investigates the stabbing death of a doomsayer on theeve of Halley's Comet.
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    Catherine confronts Clare and presents Ryan with an ultimatum.Faisal and Joanna hatch a plan that takes an unexpected turn.
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    Love After Lockup 5x5 - Where Are They Now? Monique & Lizzy
  8. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Honest Trailers 255x3 - Episode 3
  10. until
    Lone wanderer Sid and warlord Freya struggle to adjust aftermoving from the apocalyptic wasteland to the suburbs.
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    When Special Agent Pike is ambushed while working undercoverwith a local Japanese crime family, the team must find theperson responsible for orchestrating the attacks. Also, Kaigoes deeper into his investigation regarding an old friendturned criminal.
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    Drama between Camille and Alissa reaches a breaking point:Capt. Sandy is forced to step in; Bollywood-dancing group ofguests drink and party; Rachel's dishes are hit or miss, andher slow timing leaves the guests hungry.
  13. until
    Empty nesters Dolly and Dutch seek clarity on how to spendtheir next chapter. Meanwhile, Helene helps Ruby tap into hernewfound youth. Javier opens up to Roarke as he wrestles withhis new role.
  14. until
    The MPU searches for a college student after she goes missingduring a house party. Meanwhile, Sidney and Keith try toadjust to normal life again.
  15. until
    The investigation continues to take unexpected turns, withNikki managing to get behind the mask of the lead suspect. Jackhas a breakthrough at the festival site and Nikki takes adangerous opportunity. A surprise event at the Lyell bringssome hope.
  16. until
    Harald learns a devastating secret. The group encounters adangerous stranger. Harekr reveals his true intentions for thefuture to Freydis in Jomsborg.
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    Coming Soon...
  18. until
    Coming Soon...
  19. until
    Lone wanderer Sid and warlord Freya struggle to adjust aftermoving from the apocalyptic wasteland to the suburbs.
  20. until
    When Special Agent Pike is ambushed while working undercoverwith a local Japanese crime family, the team must find theperson responsible for orchestrating the attacks. Also, Kaigoes deeper into his investigation regarding an old friendturned criminal.
  21. until
    Coming Soon...
  22. until
    Parker discovers he's a victim of identity theft whileinvestigating the unusual murder of a Navy ensign. Also,Knight and Jimmy face hurdles in their relationship as theirconnection heightens.
  23. until
    Coming Soon...
  24. until
    Bob and Abishola are at odds over whether Dele is ready to getbehind the wheel and decide to take matters into their ownhands. Also, Christina offers Douglas some work advice only towatch him claim her ideas as his own.
  25. until
    Calvin and Tina decide to take the honeymoon they never had toMadrid. Also, Dave and Gemma team up with Malcolm and Marty ona project intended to surprise Calvin upon his return.
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