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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Parker battles for his first Alaska gold and a triple cleanout. Dave Turin returns with a shocking proposal at GlacierCreek. Tony moves mountains to drain the gold-rich 80 Pup Cut.Fred calls up a combat buddy for help.
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    Guest Shark Tony Xu. A beauty brand for the great outdoors. Atechnology to maximize your workout at the gym. A modern twiston a healthy beverage. A sustainable health care product line.
  3. until
    Graham is joined by actors Cate Blanchett and Margot Robbie,comedian Alan Carr and dancer Ashley Banjo. With music fromRAYE, who performs her single Thrill Is Gone.
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    Jamie makes a risky decision that could cost him more than thecase. Stabler bristles at the arrival of two Miami detectivesoffering to help with the investigation. The task force learnsthe limits of the new deputy inspector's influence.
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    Chefs face the ultimate test of their individual pallets in the21st annual blind taste test challenge; actor Eric McCormackand professional baseball player Justin Turner attend thedinner service for their respective charities.
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    Shaken by Cleo's confession, Miranda wonders who she reallyis. The family begins to unravel under the weight of all thesecrets from the past.
  7. until
    After opening up to Detective Inês, Miranda does everythingto discover the truth about Heitor. Luísa and Vinícius runaway together.
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    Detective Inês interrogates Cléo. Miranda suspects thatFernando is up to something. A new inspector joins theinvestigation.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Raúl makes a huge mistake, and Daniela makes a dramaticdecision. Santi surprises Álex, but not in a good way. Luisand Esther throw a birthday party.
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    Rafael fights with Heitor and Miranda is worried about Rita,who could be in danger. Vitória shocks the family with anunexpected revelation.
  12. until
    Pedro's &quot:pro-masculinity&quot: videos go viral,jeopardizing Daniela's career. Eugenia springs an unwelcomesurprise on Santi. Luz and Raúl take a big step.
  13. until
    After being questioned by Detective Inês, Miranda helpsLuísa. Authorities identify a new suspect in Diana's case.
  14. until
    With Parker in Alaska, Tyson risks bringing in new recruits toget Slucifer back on the gold. Tony's Westchester crew calls ina favor that pays off big. The Claytons face a familyemergency.
  15. until
    Pedro becomes a different type of influencer. Raúl and Danielathink Luz and Pedro might be up to something. Santi can't makeup his mind.
  16. until
    Detective Inês investigates Helena. Miranda begins to suspectthat Heitor is involved in Cleo's disappearance. Zoe resorts toblackmail.
  17. until
    Luz proposes something new. Pedro and Daniela aren't lovingtheir work arrangement. Luis and Esther try to negotiate. Santiwants to commit, or does he?
  18. until
    The lads attend a seminar on toxic masculinity. Santi has asuccessful date. Raúl keeps striking out. Daniela offers Pedroa job. Luis makes a discovery.
  19. until
    Raúl tries to adjust to his new situation. Pedro tries to signup for unemployment, and makes a big mistake. Luis and Santilook for a *** friend.
  20. until
    The lads go to Ibiza. Santi tries to make them think abouttheir language. Pedro might have a problem. Well, twoactually. Esther goes to the gym. A lot.
  21. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
  22. until
    To repay a drug debt owed to the Italians after the Harlemriots, Bumpy Johnson robs from his own community. Omar seeksto return to Elise and Malcolm's good graces. Someone close toStella orders a hit on her life.
  23. until
    When Sam's friend Tom Olsen finds himself being hunted down byenemies from his past, the NCIS team must find out who isafter him.
  24. until
    Kat and teen daughter Alice move in with estranged grandmaDel; escaping the tension, Alice explores the farm and findsherself on a surprising journey.
  25. until
    Boot camp is transformed into ancient Greece, and the teamsface off in a head-to-head relay race to make a Mediterraneanmezze platter. After they've channeled their inner culinarygods and goddesses, the recruits learn how to make a classicGreek dish, lamb souvlaki, for the Skill Drill challenge.Later in the Main Dish cook, Anne and Darnell aren't"squidding" around when they task their teams with makinggrilled octopus dishes. Some recruits conquer the Herculeantask, but the least successful recruit must sail off into thesunset.
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