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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    It's time for a Flatch-elor Party! Kelly and Shrub are scoutingout the perfect location for Kelly's dad's bachelor party. Theyland on the laser tag park and shots are fired! Meanwhile,Barb calls a townhall meeting about an alleged porch pirate onthe loose in Flatch. Barb, Mandy, Cheryl, and Nadine willstop at nothing to uncover this mystery.
  2. until
    While Benson tries to help the gang member who attacked her,Duarte reveals a shocking piece of evidence in the case. Fin istasked with hiring new detectives for the Bronx SVU.
  3. until
    Abby starts to question everything she thought to be true,much to the dismay of her friends. Kai thinks he's seen a ghostwhen an unexpected person from his past appears inIndependence, which makes Kate suspicious. Gus, Hoyt and Katework together to help Kai, resulting in Gus making a move noone saw coming.
  4. until
    When Margaret's client faces an attempted murder charge, shemounts a creative defense to prove her client's innocence, andTodd takes an experimental drug to find evidence. Also,Allison finds herself in trouble and reaches out to Todd forhelp.
  5. until
    Sheila grows jealous after Kat hits it off with her newretirement home friends. Meanwhile, Randi tries to find a wayto tell Carter that she doesn't like her engagement ring.
  6. until
    The Landry's target the legendary beasts of Cow Island. Danielsets an ambitious goal to catch 10 alligators over 10 feetlong. Ashley gambles on a new hunting ground. Willie and hisson aim to keep their treble streak alive.
  7. until
    Sam gives relationship advice to her and Jay's assistant,Freddie, ignoring Hetty's warning not to get too close to"the help". Also, Sasappis strikes up a romancewith Jessica, the ghost who lives in Freddie's car.
  8. until
    Abby finds her secret identity in jeopardy when an estrangedfamily member arrives in town and demands Tom's help findingLiam Collins' missing wife. A restless Hoyt reconnects with hisoutlaw roots, Kai contemplates his future as his past beginsto catch up with him, and Calian receives a dire warning froma mysterious woman that may drive him back to Independence.
  9. until
    In the aftermath of the Walker's dramatic Thanksgiving dinnerwith Abeline's (Molly Hagan) traumatic hospitalization, thefamily rings in the new year with members of the Walker familyresolving to make better choices across the board. WhileCordell (Jared Padalecki) throws himself into family matters,Cassie (Ashley Reyes) pulls Trey (Jeff Pierre) into a casetracking down an elusive tech mogul. But Cassie gets the senseshe's in hot water with Captain James (Coby Bell).
  10. until
    When an ex-con is found beaten to death, Cosgrove and Shawarrest an unlikely culprit. Maroun must put her personalfeelings for the suspect aside and take the lead in court whenshe and Price can't agree on the best trial strategy.
  11. until
    Mary struggles to make new friends while Mandy pushes Georgieto date another woman.
  12. until
    Coming Soon...
  13. until
    The candidates manufacture bao buns to punt to the public andcorporate clients, but kitchen explosions and a maths meltdownlead to a grilling in the boardroom.
  14. until
    The team reluctantly enlists the help of a naïve but ambitiousassistant to take down a predatory music producer, in anepisode told entirely from the POV of a regular person.
  15. until
    Not knowing who's good and who's bad, Jess works with Billieand deciphers a hundreds-year-old clue that points to a famous18th century landmark, and together they plan an impossibleheist during an historic reenactment to retrieve the next pieceof the treasure map. But things don't go as planned, and Jessis ultimately faced with the most difficult decision of herlife.
  16. until
    Beyond the edge of the world lies the Immemorial City, aruined place of eternal evil. The Crone awaits our heroes.
  17. until
    Oh Seung-hoon of the Korean Desk is dispatched to thePhilippines, and meets his partner, Mark.
  18. until
    Coming Soon...
  19. until
    Georgia insists on going to Ginny's therapy session, where rawtruths emerge. Gil pushes his way into Austin's life andGeorgia finds cause to celebrate.
  20. until
    A shocking ambush at a funeral leads the team into a heatedinvestigation to find the shooters. Much to Atwater'ssurprise, he must rely on someone from his past to help in theinvestigation, dredging up old memories and revealing newtruths.
  21. until
    Coming Soon...
  22. until
    Jenny, Cassie and Beau uncover the truth about the BleedingHeart Killer, but before justice can be served, chaos breaksout. Avery's involvement with Tony's crime family escalates toa standoff; Emily and Denise are put in grave danger; anddespite her recent revelations, Sunny's family ties continueto pull apart. As Cassie, Jenny and Beau work to clean up themess, the killer is still on the loose, ensuring no one issafe.
  23. until
    During a day of touchdowns and missed plays, the AbbottElementary faculty find themselves learning lessons inteamwork. Two of Janine's students aren't getting along inclass, leading her to seek advice from her colleagues on howto help repair their friendship. Meanwhile, Melissa and Avaplot to bring down Mr. Johnson in fantasy football.
  24. until
    Guy Fieri wants three produce-loving pros to let the world knowhow delicious vegetarian cuisine can be. They'll make a heartycomfort classic using all the plant-based foods they can fitinto a single produce bag! Then, the winner earns an automatic,000 and takes on the all-star judge of their choice in avegetarian food face-off. A roll of the dice determines thedetails of their 5-star vegetarian dinner showdown, and thewinner earns the second ,000 prize of the night!
  25. until
    Sam and Kelly investigate a ketamine theft at an animalsanctuary. Naz and Nathan work to catch the dealer of adangerous new synthetic drug.
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