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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    "The Late Late Show" host James Corden opens up about whatcontributed to his decision to leave his late night talk showand what he has planned next. Drew and Ross Mathews are hittingtoday's headlines at the Drew's News desk including whichactress just revealed she ate banana peels in school forattention and the latest study exploring if watching TV withyour children is actually beneficial. Plus, Drew-crew memberMikel Welch is sharing his top tip for painting. "America'sTest Kitchen" culinary geniuses Julia Collin Davison, DanSouza and Elle Simone Scott join Drew in the kitchen to whip adelicious Gumbo dish. It's a special Drew's News: Food Newsedition when all three join Drew and Ross Mathews at the Drew'sNews desk to tackle the latest food headlines. Plus, they aresharing their favorite kitchen hacks including how you can usea blow dryer next time your cooking, a safe way to get rid ofoil and more!
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    Jamie and his new intel team officer infiltrate a high-tech carsmuggling ring. Also, Frank faces off against the city'stransit chief over a new mayoral solo police patrol programthat is causing officer injuries on the job; Eddie asks Dannyto help her bust a cop impersonator; and Erin hires an imageconsultant to help with her D.A. campaign.
  3. until
    AEW: Rampage 3x2 - #76 - Kia Forum in Los Angeles, CA
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    More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documentedin over 50 countries, and many display properties that defyconventional explanations. Are they of otherworldly origin? Andif so, what is their purpose? Could it be that reconnectionwith our alien ancestors will only come when we finally crackthe crop circle code?
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    Meech focuses on expanding BMF into Cleveland while Terryexperiences growing pains as he launches his car-ride businesswith Charles; Terry learns Meech could be in danger.
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    Sandi Toksvig comes over all theatrical with Ed Bryne, CallyBeaton, Jack Dee and Alan Davies.
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    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Joe Lycett explores how to get the most out of a weekend awaywith a fun-packed, 48-hour itinerary of trademark humour andfacts. This time, fellow comedian Sarah Millican joins him foran exploration of the Lithuanian capital Vilnius. The duo taketo the skies to see the city from above - an experience theyfind by turns terrifying, thrilling and beautiful. Keen toexplore Lithuanian cuisine, they sample cold beetroot soup andcepelini dumplings washed down with gira, a drink made fromfermented beer. Later, the pair explore Vilnius' medievalcentre on foot, taking in Gediminas's tower and LukiskesPrison.
  9. until
    Rob Brydon and team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell arejoined by guests Chizzy Akudolu, Simon Gregson, MichelleVisage and Henning Wehn. They all reveal extraordinary storiesabout themselves, but are they telling the truth or making itall up?
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    Sky Rojo 3x1 - TBA
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    Servant 4x1 - TBA
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    VICE News Tonight 8x2 - January 12, 2023
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    Pickle must face her fear of big cats as she continues toimpress Troy with her natural snake hunting talent. Bill andTes hunt stumble on a rumored government testing facility andfind all they can handle. Dusty recruits a new hunting partnerwith a snake phobia while Zak and Aaron battle pythons and thesupernatural.
  14. until
    When Margaret's client faces an attempted murder charge, shemounts a creative defense to prove her client's innocence, andTodd takes an experimental drug to find evidence. Also,Allison finds herself in trouble and reaches out to Todd forhelp.
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    Abby finds her secret identity in jeopardy when an estrangedfamily member arrives in town and demands Tom's help findingLiam Collins' missing wife. A restless Hoyt reconnects with hisoutlaw roots, Kai contemplates his future as his past beginsto catch up with him, and Calian receives a dire warning froma mysterious woman that may drive him back to Independence.
  16. until
    The Landry's target the legendary beasts of Cow Island. Danielsets an ambitious goal to catch 10 alligators over 10 feetlong. Ashley gambles on a new hunting ground. Willie and hisson aim to keep their treble streak alive.
  17. until
    Restaurant: Impossible 22x3 - Clueless in Idaho
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    Mary struggles to make new friends while Mandy pushes Georgieto date another woman.
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    In the aftermath of the Walker's dramatic Thanksgiving dinnerwith Abeline's traumatic hospitalization, the family rings inthe new year with members of the Walker family resolving tomake better choices across the board. While Cordell throwshimself into family matters, Cassie pulls Trey into a casetracking down an elusive tech mogul. But Cassie gets the senseshe's in hot water with Captain James.
  20. until
    Tamron continues to kick off the new year of 2020-Me by talkingto extraordinary people making a big pivot to pursue theirdreams. These inspiring stories include an Army veteran who'snow a 40-year-old college athlete, a father-daughter duo wholeft their jobs to start a Korean restaurant, and a risingTikTok star known for eating spicy foods, who went from beinghomeless to having nearly 20 million followers and his own hotsauce!
  21. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x3 - Jessica Chastain, Seth Meyers
  22. until
    Tamron has the exclusive sit-down interview with the legendaryformer NFL player TERRELL OWENS, aka T.O. He joins the Tam Famto talk about a football comeback and the real story behind thenews headlines.
  23. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x2 - Whitney Rose, Julia Fox
  24. until
    What Kind of Parent Are You?: Parenting Expert, DR. ADOLPHBROWN, aka "Doc Brown," will discuss the new ABC special "TheParent Test," a new series that follows 12 families. Then,CONNIE SIMPSON known as "Nanny Connie" is a childcare veteranwith over 30+ years of experience. Plus, ANTONIA GENTRY andBRIANNE HOWEY from the hit Netflix series "Ginny &Georgia" join the Tam Fam!
  25. until
    Watch What Happens Live 20x1 - Kenya Moore, Carson Kressley
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