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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Radio Free Europe – Once seen as a Cold War relic, RadioFree Europe has become a vital tool in today's battle againstdisinformation and authoritarianism, especially since Russia'sinvasion of Ukraine. American taxpayers pay for RFE's 0million budget, which recently got a bipartisan boost fromCongress. Bill Whitaker visits the RFE headquarters in Pragueand meets the brave journalists behind its fearlessreporting. The Vanishing Wild – Scientists are sounding analarm that we are living amid Earth's sixth mass extinction;the last one was 66 million years ago when an asteroid hit theYucatan peninsula and wiped out the dinosaurs. They predict weare just 20 years away from life being altered on Earth again.Scott Pelley speaks with experts who offer solutions to whatthey call one of the most urgent global problems. Obesity –Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death inAmerica after smoking. Lesley Stahl reports on a new medicationthat helps with weight loss but is wildly expensive and coveredby very few insurance companies.
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    The Lyell team work together to find out why the lorry wasfound with bodies inside and a dead driver at the wheel, andare truly shocked to discover where it leads them. Gabrielbecomes emotionally invested and is presented with an ethicaldilemma, and Jack gets a surprise visit.
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    After a night out with Zion, Paul comes home to a startlingdiscovery. Austin receives a surprise visitor at school.
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    In the wake of her mother's passing, Helene visits the Islandin search of her biological father. She thinks he might just beone of the guys who's come to celebrate a Bachelor Party.Roarke and Javier grow closer, while Ruby gives herself aspiritual cleanse with a bonfire and a night swim, where sheencounters an old friend.
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    Murdoch must prove Brackenreid's innocence when he's framed formurder by a vengeful foe.
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    Jason, Nikki and the MPU team investigate when a woman runsdown a man and forces him to get in her car at gunpoint.Meanwhile, more information about Keith's kidnapper comes tolight.
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    Sandi has fun with some ticks, a bit of tax, a few toes –and a pile of matchboxes that plays tic-tac-toe with RoseMatafeo, Lou Sanders, Ross Noble and Alan Davies.
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    Baking It 2x5 - Episode 5
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    When NCIS investigates a shootout on a boat in which a rarecultural artifact is stolen, they're shocked to learn who ownsthe boat.
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    The guys recount their first true love stories, leading toparodies of Castaway, Dirty Dancing, and various Meg Ryanrom-coms.
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    After a student accuses her of cheating on a test, Tina needsto get back to school to clear her name, but a snowstorm trapsher and her family at home.
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    American Monster 9x10 - Gone Hunting
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    With Bentley fighting for his life, Haywood and team race totrack down the shooter, whose true target may have beenanother one of their own.
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    In the series premiere The MPU investigates the abduction ofa young child, whose abduction is likely revenge related toher father's work.
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    After facing tough times, a young family is ready to plantroots and be part of the vibrant community of Laurel. Ben andErin show them two houses in two very different neighborhoods,one in the country and a larger place in the city.
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    Worst Cooks in America 25x3 - America's Next CulinaryInfluencer
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    Mike Rowe shows us where our food comes from, harvestingcaviar from the muddy Mississippi River. Mike brings hisparents to work and rectifies misconceptions in his hometown ofBaltimore preparing blue crab seasoning with afourth-generation spice maker.
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    America's Funniest Home Videos 33x10 - Episode 10
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    Heartland 16x11 - Head Over Heels
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    Nany and Kaycee struggle with being on opposite teams: oneplayer faces consequences after burning her vote instead oftrying to protect her Ride or Die at all costs.
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    Highway Thru Hell 11x14 - TBA
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    A lorry is found with people locked inside, some dead. Withthe survivors refusing to speak, Nikki and the team must usetheir pathological and forensic skills to identify them.
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