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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Nikki becomes even more involved with the Ndranghetamafia-group and Jack uncovers some disturbing leads. Anunlikely alliance leads Nikki closer to the truth, but notwithout some collateral damage.
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    Already on edge over the past resurfacing, Yeon-jin grows moreanxious when she learns about her daughter's new homeroomteacher - and of a sudden death.
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    Tennant, Jimmy Palmer and Sam Hanna find themselves capturedwith a woman who claims to be a CIA agent demanding intel fromthe team. Also, Jesse, Ernie, Whistler and Alden Parkerlearn about an asset that arrived in Hawai'i who could beconnected to several overseas assassinations.
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    Ben lands in 1979 Chicago as Jack Armstrong, a devotedsecurity guard to talented pop singer Carly Farmer. DuringCarly's prep for a concert, it quickly becomes clear her lifeis in danger and Ben must determine who is trying to kill herand why.
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    NCIS agents from Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Hawai'i,all in D.C. to attend the retirement party of a beloved FederalLaw Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) professor, findthemselves jointly investigating his shocking suicide.
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    While Agent Rountree and Fatima are searching for Kilbride,who has been MIA, they are ambushed and learn that everymember of the team has a 0,000 bounty on their head via thedark web. The NCIS team must save Agent Rountree and findKilbride while every cartel, hit man, gang and psychopathhunts them down.
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    Higgins enlists Watts help after he messes up the courierdelivery of a horse statue for some very dangerous thugs.
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    When a man is thrown from a high-rise building, the team arepropelled into the criminal underworld of a notorious mafiagroup, the Ndrangheta. Aided by the National Crime Agency,Nikki and her team set about uncovering the truth. As theydescend deeper into the murky depths of the investigation,Nikki soon finds herself caught in the mafia's web, withdeadly consequences.
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    Baking It 2x4 - Episode 4
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    Residents of Elverton-Cum-Latterly battle in a dominoescompetition that dates back decades, but when the event occursthe same night as a drag queen fundraiser for a terminally illteenager, the resulting clash of cultures is epic and deadly.
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    Fry risks permanent insanity when he attempts to binge-watchevery TV show ever made.
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    Worst Cooks in America 25x2 - The Hottest Mess Awards
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    Moon and the Junior Janitors get involved with a teacherscandal. The rest of the family gets involved with a bunchacrabs.
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    Baker Mayfield and the NFC South-leading Tampa Bay Buccaneers(8-6) visit Micah Parsons and the Dallas Cowboys (6-8) atAT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, on this week'sedition.
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    Jamie goes through with his plan: John has a request forMonica and lends support to an unexpected friend; theYellowstone cowboys embark on a big change; a flashbackreveals a source of Rip's loyalty.
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    In the supersized season premiere, Anne and Darnell welcomethe twelve social media-savvy, but culinary challengedrecruits to boot camp. Before picking teams, Anne and Darnellkick off the competition by having the recruits make theirbaseline signature dish to show off their skiils, or lacktherof, in the kitchen. Then in the main dish challenge, therecruits learn a unique way to cook chicken - under a brick!After assessing everyone's skills, teams are chosen and thecompetition heats up leading into weekly eliminations.
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    Through a series of YouTube recommended videos, the story ofthe rise and fall of The Simpson Family Vlog is revealed.
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    Mike Rowe preserves infrastructure as he submerges in a murkyFlorida river to pour concrete jackets around crumbling bridgepilings. In North Carolina, Mike sucks out a concrete washoutpit and sprays sediment as he turns toxic sludge into potablewater.
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    Host Maria Taylor, Hall of Fame head coach Tony Dungy, formerNFL head coach Jason Garrett, former NFL quarterback ChrisSimms and NFL insider Mike Florio recap the day's NFLhighlights. Jac Collinsworth and Rodney Harrison contributeon-site.
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    For the first time ever, families bring their inheritedmoonshine recipes to the Master Distiller arena. But whencouples, siblings and a father-son team fire up stillstogether under the pressure of a ticking clock, sparks can flyin more ways than one.
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    Convoy of Life – Scott Pelley reports from Ukraine, wheremore than 1,000 children are fighting cancer amid Russianattacks on hospitals and the power grid, putting their livesin immediate danger. A renowned American hospital and 21countries have stepped in to help. Litigation Funding –Lesley Stahl reports on litigation funding, a relatively newmulti-billion-dollar industry where investors fund lawsuits inexchange for a slice of the award. It can be lucrative and helplevel the playing field against big corporations with deeppockets, but it's proliferating with little rules oroversight. Lourdes – Bill Whitaker reports from theSanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, a Marian shrine in southernFrance and the site of 70 medical miracles recognized by theCatholic Church. 60 MINUTES goes inside the Lourdes Office ofMedical Observations, where world-renowned doctors andresearchers conduct decade-long investigations into the dozensof claims of miraculous cures made every year. They determinewhich cases can be medically explained and which cannot.
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