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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Gated estate Challis Court is a tight-knit community forretired police officers, but when a new arrival is founddead, the other residents regard the murder as an affront;Barnaby realizes that the killer is likely an ex-policeofficer.
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    Watch What Happens Live 19x204 - Robyn Dixon, Gizelle Bryant
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    The Brown family sits down individually to discuss thechallenges they have faced over the past year. Kody andChristine give insight about their separation, while Merilearns of an instance when Kody thought about reconciling.
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    Seth throws a party.
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    Emily learns that Alfie is keeping their relationshiphush-hush; Gabriel gets serious about his future; Nicolasdrives a wedge between Mindy and Emily.
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    Berry's head grows to a monstrous size and keeps growing.
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    Nissan Stadium, Nashville, TN.
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    Doom Patrol 4x5 - Youth Patrol
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    As all looks lost, the young crew of the Protostar save theday at the very last moment.
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    Gossip Girl 2x6 - How To Bury A Millionaire
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    Hard Knocks in Season 2x8 - The Arizona Cardinals #8
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    Hard Knocks 19x7 - Episode 7
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    Hard Knocks 18x7 - Episode 7
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    Entertainers receive recognition at the annual ceremony: theyear's honorees are filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola, rock bandthe Grateful Dead, singer-songwriter Bonnie Raitt, composerArturo Sandoval and iconic American institution The Apollo.
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    Contestants hope for answers from celebrity experts BobbyBerk, Margaret Cho, Kate Flannery, Loni Love, AndyRichter and Adam Rippon in categories that include wigs,comedians, dogs, figure skating and more.
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    The Glovers race to get their wood and machines off ErieMountain before government road restrictions shut them down forspring; Craig's crew is rushing to get the stranded wood offthe landing before break-up drives them out of the bush.
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    Graveyard Carz 15x16 - Jonesing for a Road Runner
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