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Everything posted by Midnight

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    From Gillette Stadium.
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    Hosts Curt Menefee and Terry Bradshaw: with analysts HowieLong, Jimmy Johnson and Michael Strahan.
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    When a famous film star dies during the premiere of her newfilm, both Max and Oskar are on the scene. Max admits she wasa former emergency admission to his hospital, where he brieflytreated her. Their investigation gets them embroiled in thedark underbelly of stardom and far-right Austrian politics.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Pierre Cadault wants to work with Sylvie and Co. again: Alfieand Camille are out of town, so Mindy ropes Emily and Gabrielinto a double date.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Nick's success on the road infuriates Steve, who turns to Rayto spy on him. As Steve reaches his breaking point with Nick,Irene reaches hers with her husband.
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    Twig is the only one who knows that Berry's brain is beingeaten by a parasitic worm that is making her act nicer thanusual.
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    In Moscow, Jack teams with Luka to expose the high-rankingcabal members within the government who are now orchestratingthe secret Sokol plan.
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    Coming Soon...
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    The team returns to the swamp and immediately uncovers moreevidence of a sunken ship; in the money pit, the discovery ofa collapsed structure could mean they have finally located theoff-set chamber.
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    The First Lady becomes skeptical of Donald after finding thatJason is still alive.
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    A brand-new arrival shakes up the gold game as Emily shows JaneKilcher the ropes of running a dredge. Kris Kelly deals with anexcavator malfunction. Hurricane Dave is horrified by Vernon'smethods. Digging deep pays off for Mr. Gold.
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    The Danebury Metal Detecting Club is in trouble: developersare sniffing around, and after losing out on a big finder’sfee, the club is going to need a miracle to help save theirbeloved scout hall. So when Lance manages to secure apermission to search ten acres of prime, undetected land, itlooks like things could be on the up. But when a mysteriousrelic is unearthed, Lance breaks protocol, threatening hisfriendship with Andy and the future of the DMDC.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Surrounded by the Federation armada, the crew attempts to stoptheir ship from destroying all of Starfleet.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Sandi Toksvig hosts a Christmas special with Aisling Bea,Chris McCausland, Gyles Brandreth, and Alan Davies.
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    Desperate to warn Starfleet of their dilemma, a daringexperiment goes awry as Dal inadvertently swaps minds with aStarfleet Vice Admiral.
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    While Turner experiences yet another disappointing birthday,Simon and K find themselves hobnobbing with the South Suburb'selite.
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    A vigilante known only as &quot:The Laughter&quot: terrorizesChicago's network of rental stores... and he's coming forRent-T-Own next.
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    Sandi Toksvig hosts this year's QI Christmas special with thehelp of Alan Davies, Bonnie Langford, Joe Lycett and SallyPhillips.
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    Honest Trailers 255x52 - Episode 52
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    Nick's success on the road infuriates Steve, who turns to Rayto spy on him. As Steve reaches his breaking point with Nick,Irene reaches hers with her husband.
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