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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Max applies his neurological expertise to the case of a retiredsoldier, Captain Steiner, who is convinced that he is cursedand tortured by vengeful spirits. It looks like a tragic caseof trauma-induced paranoia when the captain is found to havecommitted suicide in a gruesome manner. But Max and Oskar arenot convinced.
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    Dana finds herself in a dire situation. Kevin chases a runawayslave. Tom seeks to restate order on his plantation.
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    Owen's plan to move on from Max suffers a setback when he'sordered back to Phoenix, where credit cards and prying eyescause problems at work and home.
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    Romance blooms in the airport lounge. After finally finding theperfect present for her dad, Sara receives troubling news.
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    As Steve's financial woes mount, Nick offers a lifeline in theform of a proposal that would take Chippendales global. Aprinting error has disastrous consequences for Steve.
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    After willingly going to the compound, Nancy is put in atroubling situation.
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    Gary unearths a curious artifact on Lot 8 and in the MoneyPit; the team is astonished to discover that they may bechasing multiple tunnels towards the gold in the garden shaft.
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    A series of questionable calls by Kris brings the Mistress toher breaking point. Mr. Gold takes a huge gamble by miningCooper Gulch. Vernon acts on a hot prospecting tip. Emily'screw takes risky dives. Zeke's new girl is his gold luck charmon Tomcod.
  9. until
    With her parents still searching for her, Kaja strikes up anew friendship. The travelers' true feelings about Christmasstart to come out.
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    A desperate mother gets unexpected help from an optimisticstranger. A fight breaks out in the duty-free shop.
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    The President and First Lady of Country Music are on top of theworld: hit after hit, award after award, and a new baby toboot. However, when a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presentsitself in Las Vegas, Tammy is forced to question whetherGeorge can handle the pressures of superstardom.
  12. until
    With their investigation complete, Timmons's team submit theirfile to the Crown Prosecution Service, which charges Lugovoyand Kovtun with Litvinenko's murder.
  13. until
    Ida gives an emotional interview while the airport priestcontinues her effort to unravel the identity of a mysterioustraveler.
  14. until
    A team of detectives led by Timmons' 'best man' Brian Tarpeyarrive in Moscow hoping to interview Lugovoy and Kovtun, nowthe prime suspects behind Litvinenko's murder.
  15. until
    Gamache and his team get to the heart of the case, excavatingdecades-old resentments and deeply buried secrets in the Morrowfamily as they do so, and make the key discovery that enablesthem to identify the killer. Meanwhile, Lacoste's elation atmaking a breakthrough in the Two-Rivers case proves short-livedand a tragedy leaves her shell-shocked.
  16. until
    The Gamache's anniversary celebrations at the exclusive ManoirBelleforet hotel are cut short by the discovery of a body.Gamache pulls in his team and together they investigate thecase, which focuses on the hotel's owners - the dysfunctionalMorrow family - who are driven by bitterness and jealousy.Meanwhile, Lacoste receives a surprise call which blows theBlue Two-Rivers case wide open.
  17. until
    As busy travelers make their way through the holiday rush atOslo Airport, a brewing storm lights up the flight displayboards with delays.
  18. until
    Watched by the world, the Metropolitan Police follow theradioactive trail of polonium across London, leading them totheir main suspects, Lugovoy and Kovtun.
  19. until
    As MacMillan and the team grill Shay, Lindo continues toinvestigate Clellan's death, leading to a shocking discoverywith potentially fatal consequences.
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    I-rang and Detective Choi set out to Jin-seop's atelier buttheir conflicting interests stir up chaos.
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