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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Fisk 2x6 - Snitches Get Riches
  2. until
    American Greed 15x15 - Streaming and Scheming
  3. until
    The Curse of Oak Island 10x3 - Bubbling Over
  4. until
    Bob takes Linda and the kids to visit his mother's grave, butfinding the headstone is harder than he expected. Meanwhile,Teddy makes a grave mistake while doing repairs in theBelcher's house.
  5. until
    Beth and Eric are throwing Christine a 69th birthday party,but the celebration gets usurped by chat about a funeral,which leads Christine to start thinking about her own.
  6. until
    Results of the USDA's investigation give Ralph Angel anotheropportunity to win back the Bordelon land. Dominic receives anoffer that tests his and Nova's future together.
  7. until
    When Garza's character comes into question, Simone and teamdevelop their own covert operation to support their boss.
  8. until
    Allan decides to take matters into his own hands and catchesKyle off guard in the process.
  9. until
    The team explores the possibility of getting a member of thecrew underground to investigate if the gold traces comes from anetwork of tunnels.
  10. until
    Devon is approached by a documentary producer as he prepares toperform the first titanium rib cage implant surgery in thecountry with Raptor, who must scramble to find a babysitterbefore the procedure. Meanwhile, Conrad tends to an unhelpfulpatient who claims to have been mauled by a large cat, and Dr.Bell faces negative press.
  11. until
    Sandi Toksvig celebrates the one hundredth birthday of the BBCwith Zoe Lyons, Greg James, Richard Osman and Alan Davies
  12. until
    Coming Soon...
  13. until
    Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge onlygets you so far. She asks what connects the following: Blackand White, X and Y, Sun and Moon, and Sword and Shield.
  14. until
    Dwight takes note of a possible new business opportunity.Later, a routine errand has an explosive, unexpected outcome.Stacy opens up to Dwight about what led her to Tulsa.
  15. until
    Amy leads an overnight trail ride to help with Jessica's newphotography job. On the ride, Amy and Jack have a disagreementabout Finn. Lou's latest mayoral event upsets Rick.
  16. until
    While Max goes to get what he's looking for, the four womenwonder what happened; Batty tries to do the right thing; Albaknows what she wants; a new Queen of the Villa emerges.
  17. until
    Max reveals his secret dream of making a crime documentaryabout the murder of Alba's husband; the criminals procure aboat to wait for the diamond handoff.
  18. until
    The remaining eight castaways compete in a reward challengethat earns them a night in the sanctuary and a letter fromhome. Also, one castaway has to build their house of cardshigh enough to win immunity.
  19. until
    George is overworked and Roz is having trouble finding asuitable assistant; Helen needs to ascertain the correctbeneficiary of a large charity bequest and has to take thematter to court.
  20. until
    Batty reveals the truth about her crime but doesn't want tomake Alba an accomplice; the criminals renegotiate their dealand devise a new plan; Max, Maru's boyfriend, returns tolook for her.
  21. until
    Marty, Alex, and Charles goes to England to explore leadsthat might connect the Knights Templar to the Oak Islandmystery.
  22. until
    The team's Thanksgiving plans are put on hold when they arebrought in to investigate whether a shooting at a Buddhisttemple was a hate crime or something more personal. Also, Remyand April make a tough decision.
  23. until
    When an American businessman's bodyguard and girlfriend arekidnapped a few feet away from him in Barcelona, the Fly Teamquestions if the man is as innocent as he claims. Also, Rainesgrows closer to Maya, the owner of the team's favorite localbar.
  24. until
    The Top 9 artists are revealed as safe by America's votes whilethe bottom 4 compete in the Instant Save. Coaches CamilaCabello and Blake Shelton each perform with their teams for thefirst time.
  25. until
    As Meg continues the search for her mum in Cairns, Lucky triesto lay low to avoid his dubious past.
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