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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Amy teaches Lyndy how to barrel race. Logan's father arrives atHeartland. Jessica seeks distraction from a disappointment inNew York. Katie gets her ears pierced, causing a fight withLou.
  2. until
    After heightened public scrutiny, Charles forges a newalliance in Hong Kong. Mohamed Al-Fayed offers his support to anewly-divorced Diana.
  3. until
    Ava visits the other realm and returns with a new plan to endAdriel's unholy charade - but it will require superhumanstrength and painful sacrifices.
  4. until
    The Princess of Wales contends with the repercussions of herstatements. The Queen asks the Prime Minister for his help in adelicate family matter.
  5. until
    After an intense battle, Ava's halo saves a life, while oneof Adriel's followers has a crisis of faith. Camila findsherself behind enemy lines.
  6. until
    The Queen spends quality time with Prince William. On GuyFawkes Night, fireworks make for a perfect distraction fromDiana's BBC interview.
  7. until
    Teams embark on a megaleg in Malaga, Spain, where racersbecome grill masters and brave rough waters.
  8. until
    In a shocking double tribal council, two castaways areblindsided. Also, a revenge plan begins to brew around campafter several castaways were left out of the last tribalcouncil vote.
  9. until
    Helen steps up to do Ray's regular probate information talk atthe local library; Roz is pursued by a gentleman caller;Helen searches for a priceless family heirloom that has gonemissing in an estate clean-up.
  10. until
    The Order and their allies prepare for a showdown againstAdriel at his new cathedral, but learn their adversaries havebeen making plans of their own.
  11. until
    As BBC's Martin Bashir goes to great lengths to secure aninterview with Diana, the lonely princess finds purpose andwarmth in a London hospital.
  12. until
    Eager to lead a newly democratic Russia, President Yeltsintries to win the Queen's support while she navigates new riftsin her marriage with Philip.
  13. until
    Seeking Lilith's whereabouts, the sisters and Miguel visitJillian. An unnerving discovery upsets Camila. Conflict eruptsover Adriel at the conclave.
  14. until
    Faced with the fallout of an intercepted call with Camilla andthe consequent kickback to his marriage, Prince Charles mustnavigate a scandal.
  15. until
    As a bizarre plague sweeps the city, Ava uncovers newrevelations about Miguel - and Adriel's methods. Lilithexplores new possibilities.
  16. until
    Two more couples face a dance-off, our professionals markRemembrance Sunday with a beautiful group number, and theguest music performance is by Sheku and Zak.
  17. until
    After the Order sends out an urgent call, Beatrice and Avaconnect with old friends in Madrid and stop by a museum.Jillian investigates an anomaly.
  18. until
    Between a fire at Windsor Castle and tensions in her children'smarriages, the Queen commemorates and reassesses her 40 yearson the throne.
  19. until
    Coming Soon...
  20. until
    The couples fight to secure a place in next week's Blackpoolspecial.
  21. until
    In 1946, an Egyptian street vendor finds inspiration in theabdicated King Edward. Years later, he eagerly tries tointegrate into British High Society.
  22. until
    Colossians 3:9-10 NIV Do not lie to each other, since you havetaken off your old self with its practices and have put on thenew self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image ofits Creator.A mysterious nun makes contact with the OCS, whileAdriel proposes a partnership to the pope. Lilith turns to anunexpected source for help.
  23. until
    Prince Philip offers his support to a grieving family member.Keen to ****** a scoop, a tabloid journalist approaches Dianaabout a tell-all book.
  24. until
    In the longest revisit in Grand Designs history, Kevin McCloudreturns to Devon to see if Sue and Martin's renovation of twoancient barns has finally come to fruition, two decades on.
  25. until
    Guest: comedian Gary Anthony Williams.
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