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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    As the Stones race to find the Omega Sapphire, Ben finds hopein a Calling that reunites him with a familiar face. Zeke facesa difficult choice.
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    When Supt. Donovan s journalism student daughter investigatesthe story behinda murder on her university campus, the teamraces to find the killer before someone else becomes the nextvictim.
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    Camille's new future hangs in the balance, and a face from thepast triggers a lon-buried need for revenge.
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    When a smuggler being detained by the CIA must be transferredquickly to a secure debriefing site, McCall works with CarterGriffin to ensure he arrives unharmed. Also, Dante deals withthe possibility of his father being released from prison.
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    When Homer becomes Duffman's girl-dad hero, they go on a roadtrip with Lisa that threatens to expose Homer's terribleparenting.
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    A storm leads to a sad goodbye. Amy thinks her worst fearsabout Finn have come true. Lou reads Katie's journal withoutpermission.
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    The newly recruited members of the SAS carry out a disastrousand devastating first mission. Determined to prove theirstrategy will work, they prepare to try again.
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    An insecure high-schooler buys the perfect prom dress from avintage store in the hope of impressing her crush. But when sheexperiences a series of ghostly occurrences, she begins tosuspect the dress' previous owner may be haunting her.
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    Robby has trouble adjusting after their family's big move tothe rural town of Witwicky, until he and his sister, Mo,discover the first-ever Earthborn Transformers.
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    When Lincoln tries to get out of his chores on Chore Day, heand Clyde end up on a police ride-a-long, drawing unwantedattention from the notorious Custard Gang leader. Meanwhile,Dad loses all of the other kids throughout the afternoon.
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    Eli Whipp, a retired Pawnee scout out to claim hisbirthright, meets Cornelia Locke, an Englishwoman hell-benton revenge. With their paths fated to cross, they decide totravel north together.
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    While recovering in hospital, Stirling ruminates on Lewes'sidea to attack the enemy from behind and hatches a plan to getapproval for their unit from General Auchinleck at GHQ.
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    After Rose returns home from a tropical resort, a smallblemish on her face begins to grow into something out of anightmare. Discovering that a bite from a spider has infectedRose, her partner, Ben, must race to save her from ahorrifying physical and psychological breakdown.
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    An unexpected visit to the hospital shifts Emma's perspectiveon the past 10 years - and her plans for the future.
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    Emma gathers the people she loves for a beach getaway. Newinformation raises even more questions about Rubén.
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    Lincoln is excited to stay up late with his best friend Clydeto watch the RIP Hardcore Midnight Marathon, but his plans areruined when his dad institutes an early curfew. They come upwith the idea to use the Loud sisters to get Dad out of thehouse to celebrate his half-birthday, but just as they thinktheir plan worked, Lisa's robot Todd malfunctions and Lincolnmust decide what being a good man is really about.
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    Emma wrestles with memories and mixed emotions as her 30thbirthday brings big surprises, big hangovers and a puzzlingrevelation about Nando.
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