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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The jokers are posing as salesmen and must sell their bizarreproducts to focus group participants, then attempt a challengethat turns out to be a mouthful; Sal finds himself in a stinkysituation in tonight's punishment with guest star Kal Penn.
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    Julie's competitiveness alienates the family. Nanny's doggylederhosen business cuts corners.
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    Teen Titans Go! 7x40 - We'll Be Right Back
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    Jade's push and pull between DC and LA gets even more intensewhen a romantic flame from back East visits and meets thefamily. The Judge learns he is receiving a star on theHollywood Walk of Fame and Linda uses this as an opportunityfor him to make changes to his dietary habits.
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    Kitchen gadgets: wardrobe must-haves: essentials for thetoolbox and the medicine cabinet; a make-your-own takeout withthree main ingredients.
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    Celebrity Game Face 3x6 - WWE Superstars Edition
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    Professional organizer Peter Walsh: Rachael's dermatologistdiscusses her top five skincare products; Rachael prepareslamb chops.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Zayna promises to help Amaya stay out of trouble. Dan attemptsto control his Sex Ed class to pass his teacher evaluation.Drew finds his way into Kevin's art world once he decides toget out of the drug business once and for all.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Pope is self-destructive. J, Craig, and Deran must figure outwhat they're going to do about him. Julia and Andrew worktogether on a job.
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    When Victoria Dryden runs away from home, Sinclair sendsJackie to find her. Caysen is after justice for BPD OfficerRuss Wallace, who he believes may have been intentionallyexecuted by another member of the Strike Force. The incidentsparks a dispute at the Ward home in Brooklyn, where Decourcyis looking after his ailing father. While building a case onbehalf of her impaled client, Siobhan experiences anintensifying array of symptoms. Diarmuid Doyle tries to helpJenny remedy what has been bothering her, but his planbackfires.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Spear and Fang fight to save Mira from the warrior clan whoenslaved her.
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    Actor and political activist Bradley Whitford meets with agenealogist to learn about his grandmother's heritage,discovering why his ancestors immigrated to the United Statesin 1846. His journey takes him to Washington, D.C., where helearns that his 2x great-grandfather, along with hissiblings, fought in the Civil War. Bradley partners with ahistorian to learn if his ancestors survived the brutalwarfare.
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    Kardea Brown is hosting a soulful supper club in Charlestonwith award-winning chef Alexander Smalls. Kardea begins themeal with Fish Chowder, a hearty soup with flaky cod,potatoes and corn. Then, Alexander joins Kardea in the kitchento cook her Grilled Lamb Chops with Pink Peppercorn Sauceaccompanied by Fried Skillet Corn Salad with bell peppers,tomatoes and pork belly. For dessert, Kardea plates beautifulRed Wine Poached Pears with Vanilla Bean Custard. Strike up theband, it's time for supper club!
  20. Midnight

    Evil 3x9 - TBA

    Evil 3x9 - TBA
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    Blood & Treasure 2x5 - Enter the Dragon Gate
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    Ultimate Fighter 30x13 - The Ultimate Fighter Finale: Santosvs. Hill
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    Say Yes To The Dress 21x5 - I Got Engaged Last Night!
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    This week features a one-on-one interview withaward-winningactor, director, musician, and bestselling author of "TheReservoir: A Novella," David Duchovny. This week's paneldiscussion will include Matt Taibbi, author of TK News onSubstack and host of the podcast, "Useful Idiots with MattTaibbi and Katie Halper"; and Lis Smith, political strategistand author of the new book, "Any Given Tuesday: A PoliticalLove Story."
  25. until
    Parker checks out a wash plant on tracks and considers a majorpivot: building his own custom plant for the Alaska claim.Tyler and Jeff prospect for gold nuggets in New Zealand'srichest river.
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