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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Restoration Road with Clint Harp 2x4 - TBA
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    Tamar doesn't know who to trust. A cat-and-mouse game leads todeadly consequences.
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    Ardal O'Hanlon, Bridget Christie, Chris Ramsey, Judi Loveand Sophie Duker compete, as the furious race to claim GregDavies' gleaming golden head trophy reaches its glorious climaxin the Taskmaster grand final. Able sidekick and administratorAlex Horne keeps tabs on everything with his usual relentlessefficiency.
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    Tani Richards has some fascinating pastimes. As well aspractising yoga and horse riding, she has a passion for allthings medieval, including dressing up like Maid Marion for abit of horse back archery! After selling her and pilot husbandTim's medieval style family home known as the 'Sand Castle' inPerth's City Beach, she has plans to build an 'earth castle'on their 60 acre property north of Perth. But this is not yourstandard earth castle! Built into the sides of a man-made dam,there are plans for a drawbridge, turret and even a moate.With underground rooms and tunnels, and gothic features andfinishes, the footprint is vast- nearly 2000 square metres intotal. But Tani's endless modifications, coupled with falloutfrom the pandemic take a toll on the budget and the timelines-not to mention many of Tani's dreams for her medieval fortress!
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Victor makes his choice between Benji and Rahim.. Mia andAndrew reunite with her estranged mother to get answers. Felixand Pilar begin their new romance, while Lake and Lucy spendthe night getting closer.
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    The beach day Dale was hoping for gets put on hold when theGang Gang tries to rescue Hiroki from the infamous Clout 9.
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    With a new speedster in town, The Flash gets much more than hebargained for. Meanwhile, Cecile's powers experience a growthspurt allowing her to aid Team Flash on an entirely differentlevel.
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    Nicky teams up with an unexpected ally and sets out on adangerous mission to take down Russell Tan once and for all.
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    WWE NXT 16x24 - Episode 24
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    This week's guests are Frank Skinner, Jon Richardson, RosieJones and Esther Manito.
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    The quarter-final takes the sewers back to the golden era ofthe 1930s. Esme and Patrick set them a Pattern Challenge for apair of women's sailor-inspired trousers with a complexbib-front button opening and equally tricky pockets.Then thesewers show off their ability to think on their feet when theyare given men's shirts to turn into 1930s women's blouses.Finally, it's time for a touch of Hollywood glamour when theyare asked to perfectly fit a bias-cut evening gown reminiscentof outfits worn by Katharine Hepburn and Bette Davis.
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    Marion 1x6 - Crimes de Seine - Partie 2
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    Marion 1x5 - Crimes de Seine - Partie 1
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    Skeleton Knight in Another World 1x11 - The Monster-TamingBarbarian Laughs in the Darkness
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    Love, Victor 3x8 - Brave
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    Love, Victor 3x7 - The *** Award
  19. until
    Love, Victor 3x6 - Agent of Chaos
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    Love, Victor 3x5 - Lucas and Diego
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    Love, Victor 3x4 - You Up?
  22. until
    Love, Victor 3x3 - The Setup
  23. until
    Love, Victor 3x2 - Fast Times at Creekwood High
  24. until
    Love, Victor 3x1 - It's You
  25. until
    The Challenge: All Stars 3x7 - TBA
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