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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    In this episode, two men are injured after an explosion at afirm that specialises in the disposal of hazardous waste.Critical care paramedic Jack Lewis and paramedic Sam Collissonare called to Wolverhampton, where a fight has broken out inthe street. In Birmingham, there are reports that a man hascrashed his car and jumped off a motorway bridge after beingpursued by police. Critical care paramedics Mike Andrews andRyan Ferris are called to Birmingham, where a schoolgirl hasbeen injured in a hit-andrun incident.
  2. until
    A devastated Paul is forced by his new boss to make fundingcuts. After Ally's attempt to impress Ava ends in humiliation,she tells Paul some home truths, just as Jackie realizes aterrible truth about a dying friend.
  3. until
    Murphy is having a tough time adjusting to life in prison withunexpected dangers looming large. Meanwhile, Max accompaniesLeslie and Felix to an interesting afternoon with theirgrandmother.
  4. until
    The MTV Movie and TV Awards: Unscripted celebrates all therealness in reality. The Bachelor's Tayshia Adams hosts, withappearances from all the iconic stars you love. Immediatelyafter the MTV Movie and TV AWARDS, we go UNSCRIPTED.
  5. until
    Mega superstar Halle Berry is eager to thank her fifth-gradeteacher for having a profoundly positive impact on her youthand identity. She brings in Jonathan and Drew to return thelove and surprise her lifelong mentor with a luxurious homemakeover.
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    A true Master of 'Cue must be able to answer that age-oldquestion, "Where's the beef??" In this all-beef challenge,the teams led by captains Bobby Flay, Anne Burrell and JetTila are tasked with making a variety of beef-focused dishesthat test their expertise with both small and large cuts.
  7. until
    With the threat of Jones behind them, in a peaceful Roswell wefind Liz is busy teaching while Max lends an assist to hisex-partner on a string of recent bank robberies. Our couplesare happy and thriving but a sudden storm, leaves everyone onedge about what is to come.
  8. until
    The new season begins with the qualifying rounds in San Antoniowith ninjas from across the country taking on the world's mostchallenging obstacle course. Competitors as young as 15 returnto take on seasoned veterans in this first round of competitionfrom the Alamodome. Four new obstacles will be featured,including Carnival, Salmon Roll, the Serpent and RollerCoaster in addition to the iconic Warped Wall.
  9. until
    In the panic room task, two housemates must build a tent intotal darkness. As a punishment, the housemate must wear threeshirts: a special T-shirt designed for three people to weartogether.
  10. until
    In this episode, a man is fighting for his life after acardiac arrest. Labourer Aaron was attacked outside his home,and the 32-year-old has been stabbed in the neck and abdomen. Agunman is reported to be on the loose at a crowded house party.With reports of at least one person dead, Dr Richard Fawcettand critical care paramedic Dan Fletcher are dispatched. When12-year-old Benjamin was cycling home from school, he collidedwith a car and was thrown against the windscreen.
  11. until
    The housemates wake up to a trashed house and must race againstthe clock to clean as part of the episode's shopping task. Theroyalty plan to take out one of their own, which leads to ahuge showdown.
  12. until
    Gelato master Donny Toce presents his intricate dessert,Honey, comprising a honey tuille, gelato honeycomb, andblown sugar beehive for this Pressure Test, and failure willsend someone home.
  13. until
    Anthony Anderson wants to give back to his selfless brother,Derrick, who has been busy working the front lines in the ERduring the pandemic. Jonathan and Drew join Anthony in turninghis brother's dated house into the modern space his familydeserves.
  14. until
    The judges head east to assess a colourful new build inDundee, a sleek self-designed family home in Inverurie and aone-of-a-kind water tank that's been transformed into a dreamfamily home.
  15. until
    Last episode's eviction twist sent shock waves through thehouse. This episode, the housemates are trying hard to staycalm while Big Brother does their best to get their pulsesracing.
  16. until
    Andy opens the mystery box to reveal a mini storm cloud aslightning flashes around the kitchen. Contestants must create adish for a rainy day, with a fast track to the immunitychallenge at stake.
  17. until
    Competitors must identify a selection of leafy greens andherbs. The first six contestants to incorrectly name theproduce must create their tastiest dish that celebrates greensto avoid elimination.
  18. until
    Actor Terry Crews: actress June Diane Raphael: Amos Leeperforms.
  19. until
    Actor Miles Teller: actress Amanda Peet.
  20. until
    Actress Patricia Arquette: actor Ben Schwartz: comic OphiraEisenberg.
  21. until
    Events lead Nikki to conclude that getting the truth will putthe Lyell team and everything they love in danger.
  22. until
    A devastated Paul is forced by his new boss to make fundingcuts. After Ally's attempt to impress Ava ends in humiliation,she tells Paul some home truths, just as Jackie realizes aterrible truth about a dying friend.
  23. until
    Coming Soon...
  24. until
    Murphy is having a tough time adjusting to life in prison withunexpected dangers looming large. Meanwhile, Max accompaniesLeslie and Felix to an interesting afternoon with theirgrandmother.
  25. until
    Coming Soon...
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