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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
  2. until
    Marty Lagina makes an incredible discovery on Oak Island.Meanwhile, Rick finds evidence that could tie the KnightsTemplar to the construction of the Money Pit.
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    Captain Sig battles the elements to launch his new King Craboperation in Norway. Facing an Arctic storm, Johnathan setspots deeper than ever. On the Patricia Lee, Captain RipCarlton faces disaster when a deckhand gets crushed by aone-ton anchor pot.
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    With creatures close behind, Hayley, Taylor, Mei and Boyrace to the safety of Sydney Base, but the Sisters call upon aCategory VI Kaiju to stop them.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    When Boy falls under the spell of the Sisters and transformsinto a Kaiju bent on destroying the Atlas Destroyer, asurprising ally comes to its aid.
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    As Hayley and Taylor's mother tries to resist the HighPriestess, the group plots to rescue Boy before his mind ispermanently turned against them.
  9. until
    After successfully catching up with the Atlas Destroyer, Shaneoffers Hayley and Taylor a trade: the Jaeger for something theydesperately want.
  10. until
    The Atlas Destroyer gets chased into the territory of theSisters of the Kaiju, where Hayley, Taylor and Mei argueabout what should be done with Boy.
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    With Boy gravely injured, Hayley, Taylor and Mei pilot theJaeger toward a valley full of Kaiju, where a supposed Kaijuwhisperer might be able to help.
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    The team is stunned after an expedition to Portugal revealsundeniable evidence of a Knights Templar connection to OakIsland.
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    General Hospital 255x79 - Ep. #15453
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    General Hospital 255x78 - Ep. #15452
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    Outback Opal Hunters 8x9 - Episode 9
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    General Hospital 255x77 - Ep. #15451
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    General Hospital 255x76 - Ep. #15450
  18. until
    Moses fights influences in prison and begins to doubtFranklin's motives. Joshua sinks deeper into the Nation asMartha faces pressure from the community.
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    An escape plan goes haywire and old foes face off. Val learns asecret about Owen.
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    When a navy seaman is involved in a murder, the NCIS team iscalled to work the case on their day off. Also, Lucy finds outWhistler turned down a promotion in D.C. to stay in Hawai'i.
  21. until
    As Shaun and Lea head toward their wedding day, a documentaryfilm maker has chosen to follow their lives to showcaserelationships and weddings of atypical couples.
  22. until
    NCIS investigates a ring of clever teenage partygoers when astring of break-ins takes place at Marine Base Quantico. Whileworking the case, Special Agent McGee forms a bond with one ofthe teens, Teagan Fields.
  23. until
    Shark Tank 13x21 - TBA
  24. until
    Owen travels to Los Angeles to confront his estranged fatherand some painful childhood memories. Wyatt acts out andprompting Judd to take him to his family ranch where anemergency brings them closer to together.
  25. until
    Better Call Saul 6x4 - Hit and Run
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