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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Richard Brown and his Committee of Safety arrive to arrestClaire for murder. However, due to the rising politicaltensions in the colonies, Brown's plan to find a judge for atrial does not go as expected.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Moved by the toll the Great Depression has taken on thecountry, Eleanor presses Franklin to act more boldly andlobbies for an unprecedented formal position in theadministration while helping craft his inaugural address. AfterNixon's resignation, Jerry assumes the presidency and Bettybecomes First Lady days before an important state dinner,which Jerry's staff try to cancel. In the days leading up toBarack's inauguration, Michelle faces opposition from membersof his transition team who plan to diminish her role.
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    Residents of Hope Valley continue to enjoy the festival andeveryone comes together to help one of their own.
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    As the Lakers continue their successful run, Paul and Pat areforced to reckon with the tenuous nature of their positions.Then, Earvin meets his childhood hero at the NBA All-Stargame, where he receives some sage advice. Jessie convincesJeanie to help shield her father from a devastating truth.
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    Beef struggles when the boat needs repairs and he can't fishfor a whole week. Meanwhile, Wolf and Honeybee meet thebest-looking man in Lone Moose.
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    Bart can't control his feelings when he gets a new teacher.Meanwhile, Lisa befriends an octopus.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Idol alum Gabby Barrett returns to mentor the Top 14 and offerguidance on what it takes to become America's next superstar.
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    Anne Lister and Ann Walker launch a charm offensive on Ann'srelatives, determined to show them that Miss Walker isflourishing at Shibden Hall. Anne is fascinated by the arrivalof a railway in Yorkshire and quizzes Halifax's men of industryon what this revolution could mean for the town. Thoughanimated in public, privately Anne is unable to tear herthoughts from Mariana Lawton, who has confided that she is inthe depths of despair. When Mariana appeals to Anne to visither, Miss Walker has to make a difficult decision. Can shetrust her wife to go?
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    Military Prosecutor Doberman 1x15 - Episode 15
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    Martha Mitchell struggles to balance the demands of areelection campaign with that of her marriage; John Dean'sambition is tested as he finds himself drawn unknowingly into aconspiracy inside Nixon's campaign.
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    "Saturday Night Live" returns on May 7 with second-time hostBenedict Cumberbatch and fifth-time musical guest Arcade Fire.The Academy Award-nominated actor stars in Marvel Studios'"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," now intheaters. The Grammy Award-winning band's eagerly anticipatedalbum, "WE," is out today.
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    Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazingmagic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artistsand performers displaying skills ranging from perplexinginteractive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all infront of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episodeinclude Bill Cook, Dan Sperry, Tetro, Joel Meyer, JoshuaJay and Alex Ramon.
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    Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet 8x5 - TBA
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    In Charlotte, N.C., the owner of 7th Restaurant and Lounge,Don, has beaten all odds since becoming paralyzed after beingrobbed at gunpoint. As the sole provider for his extendedfamily, Don never asks for help and doesn't want to show anysign of weakness. If Chef Robert Irvine can't convince him thatrunning a restaurant takes a village, Don and his family couldlose everything.
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    Phillip is struggling with the SAT test, and he has hugeanxiety about it. It also doesn't help that reading isn't a bighobby of his. So, Cora and the entire group encourages him toread, and helps him study.
  18. until
    Castaways are officially merged into one tribe, and individualimmunity is now on the line. At the challenge, castaways tryto negotiate with Jeff to get four days' worth of rice fortheir tribe.
  19. until
    Freddy and Juan help a Colorado father-son team transform theiroperation.
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    Roar 1x8 - Bite Me, Kiss Me, I'm Wounded
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    Roar 1x7 - Duck Duck Velvety Duck Duck Duck
  22. until
    Roar 1x6 - Returns, 14-Day Window Only
  23. until
    Roar 1x5 - Picture Perfect
  24. until
    Roar 1x4 - The Portal Girl
  25. until
    Roar 1x3 - Horsepower
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