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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Pioneer Woman 31x9 - Foolproof Fallbacks
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    Under direct orders from President Thomas Jefferson,Meriwether Lewis and William Clark lead the first expedition ofits kind through the uncharted frontier. In hopes of reachingthe Pacific Ocean, Lewis and Clark's team travels by boat upthe Missouri River, but the waters become too shallow to crossthe Rocky Mountains. With no way to travel by land with theirsupplies, Lewis and Clark rely on a young Shoshone woman namedSacagawea who is accompanying them on the expedition tocommunicate with the Shoshone tribe and set up a trade for thehorses that they need to cross the Rocky Mountains beforewinter and successfully reach the Pacific Ocean.
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    Nick Cannon, J.I The Prince of N.Y. battle it out in games:Hater In The House, Backseat Of My Ride, Kick'Em Out TheClassroom, and the Wildstyle battle. J.I The Prince of N.Y.performs "Taken for Granted".
  4. until
    Nick Cannon, Tommy Davidson, Bleu battle it out in games:Turn Up For What, Got Damned, Kick 'Em Out The Classroom,and the Wildstyle battle. Bleu performs "What About Us".
  5. until
    Nick Cannon, James Davis battle it out in games: Big ‘OlBooty, Greenery Screenery, Kick 'Em Out The Classroom, andthe Wildstyle battle. DreamDoll performs "Ah, Ah, Ah".
  6. until
    Nick Cannon, Baby Tate battle it out in games: Pick Up &amp:Kill It, Hood Jeopardy, Kick 'Em Out The Classroom, and theWildstyle battle. Baby Tate performs "Pedi".
  7. until
    Coming Soon...
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    As another fierce season comes to a close, Mercedes and RedBull face off in what may be the biggest winner-takes-all raceof a generation.
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    After her breakup, Beth decides to leave Manhattan and headback to Long Island, at least for now. To make it work, shetakes on a very "Long Island" Long Island vineyardas a client.
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    Pat is writing like a woman possessed until she finds out thetrue identity of her muse. Terry makes a decision about workthat will come back to haunt him.
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    Father Khatri tells Boyd why he believes Sara may be useful.Jim and Tabitha find comfort in each other. Colony Housecelebrates the one-year anniversary of Fatima's arrival with aparty that goes terribly wrong.
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    Chuck fights to unlock the city for the people. Prince and hisbrain trust hatch a plan to turn the tables. After discoveringan investment reversal, Taylor teams up with Philip.
  13. until
    Gurley sends a reluctant Travis and Emil on a roadshow to raisemoney, but Travis has other ideas for this raise round. WithLyft gaining momentum in the ride-sharing space, Travis wageswar and won't back down. Gurley gives an enlighteninginterview.
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    Coming Soon...
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    When the team busts a group of dangerous robbery suspects, Tanis confronted with a pivotal figure from his past. Also, Lucais tapped to temporarily step in for Hicks.
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    Officer John Nolan and the team feel they must negotiate with adistraught man who is holding a hospital hostage to ensure hiswife receives a lifesaving surgery.
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    Meg is invigorated by her new role as a getaway driver,Meanwhile, Quagmire can't rid himself of the hiccups andimplores Peter to kill him.
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    The NCIS team investigates an unidentified aircraft that fliesinto U.S. airspace and crashes into a Navy plane. Also, Deeksand Kensi begin to prepare for their foster inspection.
  19. until
    Tommy's new product is spreading like wildfire across Chicago.The current success isn't good enough for Tommy. He wants toown the entire city and is determined to figure out how to doso, no matter the cost.
  20. until
    Elizabeth's book is finally published and it's the talk of thetown. Lucas plans a surprise party to celebrate the event, butsome bad book reviews have Elizabeth in a less social mood.
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    Maggie, Lydia and Elijah help a stranger from anothercommunity.
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    Honeybee agrees to help Moon with his school problems, only tolearn that something else is on his mind. Meanwhile, the restof the family deals with a moose problem.
  23. until
    McCall races to find Dante when he's abducted by a pair ofpanicked deputies who fear reprisal, after they detained Dantewithout cause and used excessive force before realizing he's afellow cop. Alone and injured, Dante experienceshallucinations that reveal his complicated childhood.
  24. until
    As Russia escalates its assault, Ukraine's President deliversan impassioned address to Congress. Jennifer Palmieri and MarkMcKinnon are on Capitol Hill speaking with lawmakersimmediately after Zelenskyy's emotional plea to "closethe sky" over Ukraine. Plus, Alex Wagner and JohnHeilemann examine the information war, including thesophisticated Russian disinformation campaign infiltratingAmerican media and Putin's draconian crackdown on dissent andfree speech inside Russia.
  25. until
    As news begins to spread about the bombing at the Andrew'shome, Archie, Betty and Jughead begin to deal with mysteriousside effects from the explosion. Elsewhere, Veronica spiralsafter learning that Hiram may have been involved, and Cherylis consumed with guilt when she believes she may have had ahand in the explosion.
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