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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Bernard and Cosgrove investigate the murder of a congressionalcandidate. ADAs Price and Maroun contend with an extremist plothellbent on thwarting the candidate's agenda by any meansnecessary.
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    When their teacher goes on maternity leave, Dean, Cory andKeisa are excited to be taught by Mr. Brady, the school'sfirst Black teacher. Mr. Brady encourages the students to tryout for the Knowledge Bowl team where Dean faces someunexpected challenges.
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    This special edition of &quot:The Conners&quot: continues theshow's legacy of handling difficult subjects when the family islocked down in their home due to a shooting incident in theneighborhood.
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    Kate helps Nathan build a connection with Nathan Jr. Anne joinsLionel in Cochrane to support his big day in court. Jenny feelsedged out of her own wedding planning while Sloane's love lifeheats up.
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    Celebrity housewife Prunella Gladwell arrives in GreatSlaughter to film a feisty baking competition, and one of thecontestants is about to hit her expiration date.
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    Great Slaughter's annual giant marrow contest is interruptedwhen a dog digs up some seemingly ancient bones on the site. Isit the archeological discovery of a lifetime? Or is it murder?
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    When Josh moves into a remote farmhouse, Tickle and the Lawshelp devise an underground transport operation.
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    Max formulates a bold plan to help New Amsterdam before it'stoo late. Reynolds and Dr. Fuentes fight over the best way tohandle a risky surgery. Dr. Wilder asks Dr. Castries for helpwith a patient with terminal cancer. Iggy helps a father andson deal with vastly different views on a shared trauma.
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    Nicky confronts her demons once again after getting caught upin an attack. Will she find enough strength to be a mother toJuliet or give away her baby for good? As the hospital isforced to lock down, Hanssen has to help Billie deliver herbaby, while AAU handles the overflow from Darwin - and beforelong Ange notices Madge's suspicious behaviour
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    Social media is a dysmorphic lens that warps how we viewourselves and others and numbs us to what's truly important inlife. This is about that.
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    In an effort to please Salen, Andrews takes on a high-profilecase and assigns Shaun and Allen to help perform a riskysurgery to restore the voice of a famous pop star. Inaddition, Reznick and Park treat a man whose 17-year-old son,Cody, is confined to a wheelchair due to complications relatedto Kabuki Syndrome
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    As Jesse enjoys a day sailing with his daughter, Gracie,pirates suddenly seize their yacht, take all the passengershostage and attack Jesse, leaving it up to his team to quicklylocate and rescue his daughter.
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    Francine is jealous of the new and improved Klaus and vows totake him down.
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    When a hostage's life is threatened, Elena calls upon apopular news anchor, known as America's most trusted man, tonegotiate her release.
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    Sam volunteers.
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    As the city buzzes over Edison's electricity demonstration,Bertha plans a picnic that involves Mr. Raikes - but notMarian. Agnes entreats her niece to protect the family'sreputation. George prepares for a legal battle as he bristlesover Larry's career ambitions. Bannister plots his revenge.Turner gets an unwelcome surprise.
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    When Damon and JR devise a plan to help boost the baseballteam's morale, they realize they have their work cut out forthem when an unforeseen obstacle enters that could derail theirefforts. Simone tries to extend an olive branch to Thea, butthings don't turn out as she was expecting. As the RA in herdorm, Keisha is met with constant complaints and in the midstof it all, a secret she has been keeping from a friend isrevealed. Meanwhile, a former student offers Amara a temptingoffer, but Coach Marcus makes a surprising discovery thatmight be of more interest to Amara.
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    Arman's fallout with Hayak has severe consequences for Thony,who must now find her way back home from Mexico with Luca. Inhiding, Arman tries to help Thony get back, but it is Garrettwho steps in to get Thony across the border where, uponre-entry, things aren't what they seem.
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    A nervous Elena introduces Pietro to his future in-laws.Later, with her health deteriorating day by day, Lilaurgently sends for her lifelong friend.
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    Layton realises some dreams are out of reach. As the rest ofthe train deals with Layton's status change, Wilford makes astaggering discovery.
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    Bash draws on his war zone experience when extreme weathercauses the hospital to lose power.
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    As NCIS investigates the cause of death of a reservist NavySeal surgeon, they're forced to bring Vance's daughter,Kayla, who recently trained with NCIS, to help with a highlydangerous mission.
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