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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Outrageous and inimitable host Keith Lemon returns with a newseries of Celebrity Juice alongside team captains LauraWhitmore and Emily Atack. Joining them this week for moregames, fun and anarchy will be TV legend Jonathan Ross, Kingof grime Big Narstie, pop sensation Ella Henderson, andStrictly Come Dancing judge Craig Revel Horwood.
  2. until
    Jason has lost confidence and motivation due to the largegrowth on his neck. Shawnell has multiple mystery bumps on herhead that have destroyed her self-esteem. Jim has a growthprotruding off of his nose, making it hard to breathe.
  3. until
    Fan survivalist Matt, notorious for his former partnersharting in their water source, teams up withenvironmentalist, Kerra, to take on 21-days in Zambia.Dropped in a valley teaming with leopards, will he haveanother environmental disaster?
  4. until
    The chefs are surprised in the kitchen by "Top Chef Miami"winner, Hung Huynh, and challenged to make a dish inspired byfive of the larger Asian communities in Houston; along withHung, the judges and Kiran Verma, they'll be serving 100guests.
  5. until
    Tameru is a drag queen, but he has a myriad of cysts that arethe real drag. Devon has uneven skin she thinks may be theresult of a hysterectomy a decade ago. Amy has large growthsall over her head that make her look like a "hot mess."
  6. until
    Maleek and Wendy are sent out to a school to teach a knifecrime awareness workshop - things do not go according to plan.Jo flirts with Lawrence and stonewalls George. Gary andKareshma are reunited with Tasha.
  7. until
    Conrad and Michelle meet in Florida and discover a connectionthat will follow them back to their respective towns inMassachusetts; Michelle honors Conrad's memory while thepolice review their text exchanges in the months leading up tohis passing.
  8. until
    Rattled by Anthony's hasty nuptial plans, Kate receives advicefrom Lady Danbury. Eloise spars with a new ally. Emotions runhigh during a dinner party.
  9. until
    Assistant District Attorney Katie Rayburn is reluctantlyenlisted to pursue possible charges against Michelle; Michelleis torn between a new friend and Conrad.
  10. until
    As Russ' new trial looms ahead, Pam faces money troubles, arelentless Dateline producer and difficulty caring for her sickmother. DA Leah Askey realizes Pam may not be the star witnessshe thought. Joel Schwartz makes breakthroughs in his case.
  11. until
    In the midst of a battle between Margaret and his own kids,Joe makes a shocking realization. Meanwhile in the past, Joefinally finds a way to defeat Honeycroft, and Lettie makes atough decision
  12. until
    A teen's death by suicide unearths painful questions for hisfamily and reveals a complicated, mostly virtual relationshipwith a young woman who may hold the answers.
  13. until
    After a push from Anne, Kate doubles down on micromanagingthings at work, but her hands-on approach soon come underfire.
  14. until
    When the students start participating in a new online trendthat causes disruption to the school, the teachers bandtogether to put an end to it. Meanwhile, Mr. Johnson providescomforting life advice to Gregory; and later, the teachersfinally meet Jacob's boyfriend, Zach, who joins in to helpstop the students "desking".
  15. until
    When Raines' sister goes missing in Kosovo, he goes rogue tofind her, putting his job and his life on the line. Also,Kellett and Forrester face further scrutiny from inside theBureau.
  16. until
    New information leads Naomi to believe there is another alienin her midst... and it may be someone she knows. A visit fromCommander Steel prompts Dee and Zumbado to make an unexpectedvisit to the McDuffy home in the middle of the anniversaryparty... but at least they arrive in style.
  17. until
    Lois thanks Lana for sticking up for Jonathan when one of thefootball players mother's starts dogging him for gettingfootball season cancelled. Meanwhile, Jordan's unexpecteddeparture on the mayoral election day leaves Sarah rattled.Lastly, Natalie and Sarah wonder if they notice a sparkbetween John Henry and Lana.
  18. until
    The team gets called to Vermont after a married couple who growillegal marijuana massacres their employees. Also, Barnesbegins to regret not taking any time off to bond with her newbaby.
  19. until
    Coming Soon...
  20. until
    Bash saves a hostile man during his commute and gets someshocking news about his future.
  21. until
    Randall and Rebecca embark on a road trip and reflect on theirpast.
  22. until
    Hawaii, 1984: As Lia prepares for her trial, she puts Ata incharge of her wrestling promotion and all the problems thatcome with it. Rocky begins to feel overshadowed by hispartner, Tony Atlas. Dewey goes head-to-head with a newclassmate.
  23. until
    Conrad and The Raptor help out an old friend whose heartproblems reveal a bigger issue than they anticipated.Meanwhile, Devon treats a suicidal woman whom he thinks mightbe a good candidate for Deep Brain Stimulation. Then, Bellconfronts the Medical Board about the cases he's beeninvestigating, and Billie and Trevor have an emotionalreunion.
  24. until
    In the midst of a heat wave, Neil has a fling with Angelica,a prominent commercial actress. Tommy accidentally ruins thejoy of Arpi's scratch-off lottery habit, but helps her byrevealing a secret hobby of his own.
  25. until
    After an ICE agent is fatally shot at an ICE vs. DEA hockeygame, the team attempts to find the shooter who they believemay also be targeting Congressman Curtis Grange, who was atthe same game.
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