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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    As gold from Mud Mountain rolls in Parker's crew builds amassive pad to get through the Ugly Cut in record time. Fredforms an unexpected partnership to double his gold. Tonyrevives his Indian River plans.
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    Graham is joined by Benedict Cumberbatch, RuPaul, DaisyEdgar-Jones, Diane Morgan. With music from Regard x Years& Years, who perform their new single Hallucination.
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    Faith's world comes crashing down when Luka is targeted by apredator. Teddy encourages Sah to open up.
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    Coming Soon...
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    After the terrorist attack at the hospital, Walker takesmatters into his own hands.
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    Laser eyes plus a cute baby equals an evisceration machine thatwill melt your heart. Before burning it out of your chest. Withher laser eyes.
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    Frank contends with public outcry to defund the NYPD SchoolSafety Division, after a physical altercation between a schoolofficer and a student goes viral. Also, Danny and Baez help afather track down his missing ex-wife and daughter; Erin andAnthony deal with the aftermath of the surprise release of aserial criminal; and Jamie is unsure of how to navigateinappropriate conversation among his officers in the precinct.
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    When Magnum balks at notorious crime boss Osi Shima's (EijiroOzaki) request to find his missing son, Magnum learns he'sbeen poisoned and has only eight hours to locate Shima's son toearn the antidote, or else he dies.
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    A personal care product line: a customizable fashion design:a support system for women; a children's fashion clothingline; an update on Touch Up Cup.
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    The queens must lead Drag Con panel discussions about themulti-faceted world of menz: dating, fatherhood, and toxicmasculinity; comedian Nicole Byer guest judges.
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    Coming Soon...
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    An investigation into the Conglomerate, a group of formergovernment-sponsored assassins, becomes complicated when theTask Force learns one of their own may have ties to the group.Red digs deeper into the events leading up to Liz's death.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As Duane and crew explore the cavern they find themselvesovercome by a deadly and invisible gas cloud. Complicationswith their rescue leaves them wondering if they will make itout alive.
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    Laurent "LT" Therivel, a proud Marine veteran who started aspresident and CEO of UScellular less than a year before hisundercover mission, is intent on seeing how his new endeavorsfor brand growth are operating. Will he be all charged up whilemaking customer calls offering the latest company deals? Willhe connect well with staff sales associates and networkengineers when learning about their day-to-day duties andchallenges? Does he learn there's work to do to get theirstores to have "high-speed" customer service?
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    The queens must lead Drag Con panel discussions about themulti-faceted world of menz: dating, fatherhood, and toxicmasculinity; comedian Nicole Byer guest judges.
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    Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick totry and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, whowill get to see the trick only once and have to immediately tryto work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to performwith Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the RioHotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The TV audience watches alongwith Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets.The magicians featured in the episode include Sean-Paul &Juliana Fay, Disguido, Dr. Scott Kahn and Star Newman.
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    WWE SmackDown Live 23x9 - #1175 - FTX Arena in Miami, FL
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    Shark Tank 13x15 - Episode 15
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    Lois tells Clark that she and Chrissy plan to do a deeper diveinto the Inverse Society and Lana and Sarah try to comfort eachother after the fallout at Sarah's quinceañera. Meanwhile,Jordan notices something suspicious in Jonathan's book bag.Lastly, Lt. Mitch Anderson finds himself under fire for thedeterioration of the department of defense's relationship withSuperman.
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    Tom Selleck ("Blue Bloods"): Rachael's minute steaks and eggsto eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
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    Comic Jim Gaffigan ("Linoleum").
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