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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    With Naomi still shaken by her terrifying encounter with thebounty hunter, Dee continues training her on controlling herthoughts and emotions and, therefore, her powers. Meanwhile,as Naomi and Nathan rekindle their romance, the class sets offon an exciting week-long camping excursion.
  2. until
    When things from Billie's past begin to come to light, she isthe subject of whispers and stares around the hospital and theteam struggles to find the best way to support her. With thenurse shortage in full swing, a simple cleaning job turns intoa horrific disaster that calls for all hands on deck.Meanwhile, Trevor discovers a shocking secret and Padma has aproposal for Leela.
  3. until
    Nick Cannon and Fat Joe battle it out in games: Pick Up &amp:Kill It, Kick'Em Out the Classroom, Hip Hip History, and theWildstyle battle; Fat Joe performs "All the Way Up."
  4. until
    Lana, Kyle and Sarah prepare for Sarah's quinceañera, butthings don't end up going as smoothly as they had hoped. Clarkfinds himself struggling with feelings of guilt about whathappened to John Irons and Lois worries that she might havebeen wrong about Ally. Meanwhile, Jonathan learns that Ret.General Samuel Lane is planning to train Jordan. Lastly,Chrissy goes searching for the truth about Lois.
  5. until
    WWE NXT 16x8 - Episode 8
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    Investigating a death at a Shakespeare-for-hire agency, Frankand Lu discover more backstabbing and tragedy behind the scenesthan there is in the performances.
  7. until
    The case of a missing manuscript takes a dramatic turn whenFrank and Lu find themselves trapped in famous author GregAlban's house, where no-one is who they seem.
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    Lu infiltrates a local slimming club to uncover their secrets,but she gets more than she bargained for when she realises hersister is a member.
  9. until
    When an American PI is arrested for murder, Frank and Lu aredrawn into the world of motors in search of a valuable musclecar and are taken for a ride by some shifty characters.
  10. until
    When Josh moves into a remote farmhouse, Tickle and the Lawshelp devise an underground transport operation. In thehighlands of Mexico, Tim gets hands-on turning 7-year-oldagave into age-worthy tequila. Mike and Jerry attempt a sweetcorn shine recipe.
  11. until
    It's not all plain sailing when Frank and Lu are hired to lookinto the drowning of a former Miss Stratford-upon-Avon, asthey begin to uncover the beauty queen's dark past.
  12. until
    As the Queens prepare to be inducted into the Hip Hop Hall ofFame, they cannot help but notice the void Brianna's absencefrom the group has left. Meanwhile, Naomi is waylaid when anold beau questions JoJo's paternity. Elsewhere, Valeria getsready to embark on her solo tour and she wonders if she reallyis ready to go it alone.
  13. until
    Frank and Lu enter the competitive world of ballroom dancing,brimming with passion and jealousy, and learn the dangers offalling in love with your dance partner.
  14. until
    Frank and Lu are drawn into Stratford's Silicon Valley whenSpider calls upon their help to expose a mole within techcompany Forosa.
  15. until
    People Puzzler 2x96 - Color Me Bubbly
  16. until
    People Puzzler 2x95 - Lucky Duck
  17. until
    People Puzzler 2x94 - Sweet as a Daisy
  18. until
    The Gorga/Giudice feud moves to the next generation as Gia goesto battle with her Uncle. Jackie learns Jennifer has beendigging for dirt on Evan, while Dolores' housewarming partyends in tears when she takes Margaret's side over Jennifer's.
  19. until
    The team searches for a businessman wanted for murder and anembezzlement scheme. Also, Jess takes advantage of his emptynest to properly court Sarah.
  20. until
    Black-ish 8x8 - My Work Friend's Wedding
  21. until
    Janine is thrilled when Ava asks to help her teach theafter-school step class, but the two don't see eye to eye onhow to run the program. Later, when Barbara, Melissa andJacob plan an "eat-off" to decide who makes the best pizza inPhiladelphia, Gregory is forced to reveal a secret.
  22. until
    When a notorious American tech tycoon becomes involved in amurder in Frankfurt, the Fly Team must chase him down amid thelocal protesters he's incited with his conspiracy theories onsocial media. Also, Jaeger relishes working in her homecountry, and Forrester must make a decision involving hismother's past.
  23. until
    with Leslie Odom, Jr. and Nathan Lane
  24. until
    When a Muslim college student and his younger brother aremurdered, the team connects with the outraged imam of OA'sformer mosque, who insists the victims were wrongly targetedas terrorists. Also, OA must reconsider where his loyaltieslie when working the case with a Muslim anti-terrorist agentbent on solving the investigation through any means necessary.
  25. until
    American Auto 1x8 - Employee Morale
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