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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    After learning the truth about Mae's boss, Sammy's ready to gorogue to take him down... just as Mae gets ready to confronthim. Cue the killer robots!
  2. until
    Anna and Maya attend the local &quot:Walk For Cancer&quot:.Opportunities for socializing evolve into inklings ofmortality.
  3. until
    The Robinsons race to get help for Will, warn the othercolonists and activate a secret defense system. Vijay tagsalong with Penny on a risky outing.
  4. until
    Amira attends college presentations, and her quick decisionsurprises Tray, who then works to guide Amira toward a betterunderstanding of her identity. While cleaning out Roberta'sstorage unit, Shahzad makes a discovery about her past.
  5. until
    Jill comes clean with the ladies after being invited tocollaborate on a track with Wyclef Jean. Valeria suffers aheart-wrenching betrayal. Eric makes a promise to Jadakiss thathe may not be able to keep.
  6. until
    When a group of Americans are among the victims of a bombing ata festival in Budapest, the team is brought in to find theperpetrators before they strike again. Also, when Vo's newbeau is injured in the blast, she re-evaluates what datingtruly means while in the bureau.
  7. until
    After a prized Kentucky racehorse is stolen and its groomer istaken hostage, the team quickly learns they may be the onlyones who consider the young woman's safety a priority over thehorse's. Also, Byron returns to celebrate the holidays withJess and his family.
  8. until
    The team attempts to extract key information from a vulnerable9/11 widow, Hannah Thompson, who is shocked that her new"boyfriend" is the manipulative leader of aterrorist group planning an attack. Also, Scola is reminded ofhis brother's death on 9/11, and Tiffany worries about hisemotional choices during the investigation
  9. until
    Leah and Teddy deliver devastating news to Angela. Meanwhile,Piggy confesses some of the secrets from her past to Angela anda confrontation leads to Raymond's life changing. Then, Angelatakes steps to secure her and Eve's Crown's future.
  10. until
    Barry is shocked when Eobard Thawne returns in the mostunexpected way, and with a tie to a loved one. Damien Darhkoffers advice to Barry but there is a catch. An epic battlebegins with Reverse Flash pitted against The Flash, TeamFlash, Batwoman, Sentinel and Ryan Choi.
  11. until
    America's votes reveal 4 artists as safe. Then, the bottom 4compete in the Instant Save.
  12. until
    Cheryl is performing a dangerous spell, one that may mean thedifference between life and death for a beloved member of theBlossom family. Luckily, she's getting a much needed assistfrom everybody's favourite twenty-something witch, the iconicSabrina Spellman, visiting from Greendale in thisyears-in-the-making crossover.
  13. until
    When the first day of Kit's experimental Flight Go team programsends Conrad out into the field, he builds a new relationshipwith a fellow doctor along for the ride. Devon works withTrevor for the first time on a patient with a mysteriousfever, the cause of which can't be found. Meanwhile, Bell ishiding a secret from the whole staff and they are starting tobecome suspicious.
  14. until
    Coming Soon...
  15. until
    Rhod Gilbert's Growing Pains 3x5 - Rachel Riley, Ahir Shah,Iain Stirling
  16. until
    The semi final stage continues with just eight chefs left inthe running for the 2021 title. Tonight, four of them competein a pop-up kitchen challenge.
  17. until
    Gruen 13x9 - Episode 9
  18. until
    On Cinema 12x10 - Episode 10
  19. until
    After a prized Kentucky racehorse is stolen and its groomer istaken hostage, the team quickly learns they may be the onlyones who consider the young woman's safety a priority over thehorse's. Also, Byron returns to celebrate the holidays withJess and his family.
  20. until
    As Bailey's Comet passes over Rivervale, Cheryl and Nana Roserevisit the tragic stories of the Blossom women through theyears. Meanwhile, the once-in-a-lifetime celestial eventprompts Cheryl to summon a familiar face to Rivervale.
  21. until
    The Curse of Oak Island 9x6 - The Root Cause
  22. until
    Leah and Teddy deliver devastating news to Angela. Meanwhile,Piggy confesses some of the secrets from her past to Angela anda confrontation leads to Raymond's life changing. Then, Angelatakes steps to secure her and Eve's Crown's future.
  23. until
    When a group of Americans are among the victims of a bombing ata festival in Budapest, the team is brought in to find theperpetrators before they strike again. Also, when Vo's newbeau is injured in the blast, she re-evaluates what datingtruly means while in the bureau.
  24. until
    The Top 4 artists are revealed as safe by America's votes whilethe bottom four compete in the Instant Save.
  25. until
    When the first day of Kit's experimental Flight Go team programsends Conrad out into the field, he builds a new relationshipwith a fellow doctor along for the ride. Devon works withTrevor for the first time on a patient with a mysteriousfever, the cause of which can't be found. Meanwhile, Bell ishiding a secret from the whole staff and they are starting tobecome suspicious.
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