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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    When Dr. Ike experiences a death in the family, Marty inviteshim to come stay at his house in the Hamptons.
  2. until
    Hanna and Marissa move quickly now that they've been exposed.They plan to head to Vienna, believing it's the headquartersof Pioneer and home of the assassination program but Hannafirst goes in search of Abbas. Marissa continues on to Vienna.Both are unaware they are heading into a trap.
  3. until
    The survivors use a department store as a fortress as threatsstart to grow from within.
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    Six months after the season shutdown, Swagger DMV embark on aroad trip and play in a tournament where they're confrontedwith racism.
  5. until
    Chaos erupts at the Christmas staff dinner when Maximo andMemo's plans backfire. Julia pieces together the truth behindher birthday gift.
  6. until
    Elizabeth pronounces that Catherine's baby will be born in 5days and the court begins preparations involving rituals forPeter and Catherine. Conflict with the Ottomans heightens, andCatherine tries to run the country while on forced bed rest.
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    Trevante's plane lands, but his journey home is justbeginning. Caspar and Jamila brave London's streets, trying tomake sense of his secret.
  8. until
    Coming Soon...
  9. until
    Magnum starts following Higgins to discover what she's beenhiding, as she's secretly assigned to infiltrate a groupthreatening to take down MI-6. Rick struggles after anexplosion takes the life of someone important to him.
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    Fred's team gather for the critical first weigh-inpost-sluicing. Tony faces unexpected repairs while Freddy andJuan soup up a massive trommel.
  11. until
    Moiraine struggles with uncertainty while Lan struggles withtheir new companion. Rand wonders about Mat and Mat starts towonder at himself. Egwene and Perrin take their first stepsdown a different path. An incredible new power is unleashed onthe world.
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    I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (UK) 21x7 - Episode 7
  13. until
    Guy Fieri is getting big tastes in small plates. Traci DesJardins starts off with her Mashed Pea and Ricotta Toast beforeserving some samplers of Spicy Tuna Tostadas. Michael Voltaggiois a class act with his Caviar and Buckwheat Crepes, his"Charcoal" Potatoes with Sour Cream, and Pan con Tomate withSerrano Ham and Manchego Cheese. Antonia Lofaso gets us goingwith her Red Hot and Bothered drink before smoothing us outwith her Smoked Trout Dip and Pickled Veggies. Marc Murphymakes Mini Eggplants Parmesan and Cucumber and WatermelonRadish Salad.
  14. until
    The Kitchen is throwing it back to iconic party bites thatdeserve a comeback -- with new twists! Geoffrey Zakarian andSunny Anderson make a fabulous "fon-duo" of Taleggio Fondue andQuick Horchata Fondue. Jeff Mauro cooks up Mini Beef WellingtonBites, and Katie Lee Biegel makes "egg-cellent" Maple BaconDeviled Eggs. Alex Guarnaschelli presents her SeventiesRaspberry Mint "Jelly" Cake, Geoffrey makes a Retro Rum GingerPomegranate Punch, and the hosts play a round of HolidayCharades.
  15. until
    Victor & Valentino 3x14 - El Bigote
  16. until
    Anne attempts to surprise her mom with a Thai Go float for thecity Christmas parade while the Plantars struggle to understandthe holiday. Meanwhile, King Andrias prepares a deadlysurprise.
  17. until
    New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x126 - World Tag League 2021 / Bestof the Super Jr.28 Day 10
  18. until
    Amy and Steve return to Wilmington, North Carolina, to help adistraught couple trapped in a vortex of sinister supernaturalactivity. The dark energy that's overtaken the home must bedefeated before it steals their sanity and maybe even theirlives.
  19. until
    When Deacon enlists Chris' help on an off-duty private securitydetail, they struggle to survive when they're attacked by adrug cartel looking to kidnap their wealthy VIP client.
  20. until
    WWE SmackDown Live 22x48 - #1161 - Greensboro Coliseum Complexin Greensboro, NC
  21. until
    A look at the day's college football action, featuring news,highlights and game previews.
  22. until
    Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker are joined bycelebrity guests for a comic review of the significant momentsof the past seven days. As usual, the hashtag #isitok pavesthe way for the gang to round up, examine and explain theleading and most entertaining news stories of the week.
  23. until
    The time is ripe for a competition celebrating the taste offruit, so Guy Fieri challenges four chefs to make afruit-forward feast using a grocery list with multiple forms offruit. Then, the three remaining chefs must make a fine-diningfruit dinner featuring fruit they don't knock over in a game offruit bowling. The highest scoring chef will go bananas whenthey win up to ,000.
  24. until
    Diggstown 3x8 - Riley Seaver
  25. until
    Teen Mom 9x26 - Give Yourself Some Grace
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